Reposted Avenged Sevenfold Fan

Erica’s the winner because she finished off the BBEG in the D&D campaign.

Straight out of Buffy is my favorite NWA album

Max’s story was the highlight of the season. It was much more poignant than I expected it to be. Just because it isn’t happy doesn’t make it ugly.

It sounds as stupid as I was hoping it would be. 

OH! OH! I’ll answer this one!

it’s reassuring that the show seems to agree that Toby is more in the wrong here.”

It’s interesting you say this, because I feel almost entirely different, ha. The review also noted something similar:

My star goes to Antti (In Eli’s mail):

We got to watch some old clips from football back then — the ‘30s and ‘40s and the Rams’ walk through in 2002...

“It was really enlightening. Coach would show us footage of before the NFL required helmets. There’d be a shot of a guy taking a nasty hit and laying there, not able to feel his legs. Coach would throw his head back and LAUGH. I mean, like a long hard laugh. To the point we all got kind of uncomfortable. *sigh* Man,

Football takes my everything

Now playing

At the very least, they could have played the LeBron clip they cut from last week’s show.

Saquon will really open up the field for Eli to throw longer distance interceptions.

Initially we just thought that Icognito was your average schoolyard bully. But given what’s happened to Martin’s life since, it turns out Richie might be one of the greatest bullies of all time. It really makes you reconsider where you rank him.

Richie Incognito looks like he was in a sports movie 20 years ago as a kid and has reunited with his castmates for a photoshoot for People Magazine.

Does anyone else ever need a second to remember that Rosita and Tara are two different people?

Farewell Simon. You never did manage to find your Michael and Franklin, as far as I can tell. If you had, surely you would have placed both Negan and Rick in the trunk of a car and pushed it off a cliff, leading the show into a new Golden Age.

I went on a search for some Lovecraft quotes because I thought that would be funny, but instead stumbled upon a 6,000-word treatise he wrote on why cats and cat people are superior to dogs and dog people. It is... it is really something.