
How dumb and myopic do you have to be to say “I don’t want it to happen to anyone I care about” and not care that everyone you’re wishing this illness upon has people who care about them? Go fuck yourself boss.

Ripley might have a solution.

Ch.8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rise of Skywalker

Stormtroopers hit Baby Yoda?!!?

She resigned. Ran to Bloomberg. And then shared her resignation letter with the NYT. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the source for all of the weekly obits the media has been writing about Sen. Harris’s campaign since September. They got what they wanted though. As far as I’m concerned, this is a problem for the

The nice thing is all the movies in the SCU sorta stand on their own. Sure Irishman may reference Italianman or Polishman at times but they are only passing references and don’t get in the way of his story.

Okay but in terms of watch order, does the Irishman come before Civil War or after Doctor Strange?

I understand that he’s a filmmaker, he considers himself an auteur (and rightly so) and that he wants his movies to be enjoyed a certain way. But he’s also a filmmaker who made a 3 1/2 hour-long movie financed by Netflix. His film isn’t screening in the great movie houses. It’s screening in living rooms and other

I’m watching it in short, 30 second bursts on a smart watch.

Do you know what I do when the plane lands? Nothing. I sit there and relax while all the busy bees trip over themselves and get angry and work their blood pressure up trying to get two minutes ahead of each other, and when they’ve finished I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off. It is not

“This is the proudest I’ve felt while living in this area in a long time.

It’s not as if many people from the hood can afford WS tickets. Those boos came from people with money.

As Chris Rock said “there are black people who aren’t even born yet who won’t vote for him.”

We all chuckled when Mark McGwire triumphantly bellowed Do you wanna know the terrifying truth, or do you wanna see me sock a few dingers?” to the people, but it turned out he was just ahead of his time.

The biggest tragedy in all of this is that they probably won’t be able to find another white heterosexual ivy league finance bro to take Taubman’s place.

I mean, it’s pretty rude to ask a softball question of a soccer coach.

“We have our new assistant GM!" - The Houston Astros 

And then the Astros walked off the Yankees very own wife beater. 

His comments had everything to do about the game situation that just occurred and nothing else