
Great episode but I have a minor quibble with Capaldi’s run: In “Day of the Doctor” we saw a sneak peek of him as one of the Doctors assailing the Daleks during their siege on Gallifrey, but nowhere during his tenure is that addressed. 

Now playing

Any love for the Ramones’ “Merry Christmas, I Don’t Wanna Fight Tonight”?

The South Asian guy gave Carl a love-bite whilst cavorting in the woods. Carl won’t die.

I remember when the Dems took Congress in 2006 and Nancy Pelosi famously said “Impeachment is off the table”. Why? because everything was headed to shit and they wanted to hang it on Dubya’s neck.

Dems will take impeachment off the table the moment they take control because they are also craven corporate lickspittle who will allow the Don to remain in charge so that they can keep blaming him for stuff going wrong.

I saw Tom Waits do that song live; I nearly shit myself

I had the same exact thought! PoundsignOld

I’ll bet you anything the sheriff wasn’t perturbed about the foul anti-Obama decals though...

The makeup is still top notch. The writing and character dev leaves much to be desired

Tell me there’s going to be another one for turkey; I’m tired of packet gravy...

Awesome, best of luck!!

Now he needs to go away from the public eye for a long time.

No, I think he loses IF the vote can be gotten out and if the DNC gives enough of a damn to dole out some more funds.

I just read the NYT article. His ass is toast.

He’s like those zoo primates who whack it right in front of everybody.

This might actually work, at the expense of taking away credit from Obama and giving it to Trump.

Not until we get 24 hours to play guessing games about the shooter’s ethnic background. My google-fu tells me that neighborhood is a predominantly White suburb of San Antonio. I also know that if the shooter was not-white nor Christian, they’d be crowing about it from the rooftops.

Autofocus was such a great movie

He had a whole family including a wife who had minimal dialogue and they decided to separate from the group at the end of Season 1 and not travel to the CDC. Their goal was Mexico, I think. They must have taken the interstate in the wrong direction to get to VA.

I’ve been calling him Tobin this whole time.