Another cause is when you travel to a land where they don’t have toilets and your only option is to squat over a hole in the ground. To make things worse, toilet paper is considered science fiction...
Another cause is when you travel to a land where they don’t have toilets and your only option is to squat over a hole in the ground. To make things worse, toilet paper is considered science fiction...
I lot of the symptoms of alcoholism/drug abuse can mimic traumatic brain damage; that is one of the holes in the whole CTE hypothesis.
I bet a lot of the same people who celebrate Cosby’s travails would still sever a gonad to appear in a Woody Allen movie or a Roman Polanski film...
December 2016: President-Elect
As long as he can eat chicken parm, he’ll be OK.
So is that reporter getting the $100?
I bet it was like that afterschool special when Helen Hunt takes Angel Dust and leaps out of the window.
That’s exactly what I want to avoid.
Let’s say I get a beer and leave a 20, would that be good or fall under ridiculous? It seems a bit pricey but I’d be willing to do that to grease the wheels.
Now I know why they haven’t made a movie about Starcraft.
Is the running time a requisite 40 minutes too much like the other Rogen films?
Nothing wrong with straight vodka in my book.
How bad do things have to get before people just Skype the holidays from home at each other?
What’s with the asterisk next to Pagano? Is it related to the disastrous punt fake?
Hopefully he has a good degree to fall back on if he doesn’t recover.
Could you read her poke-her face?
Assuming one bought all the DLC, how long would it take to play each route? Is it even doable in a lifetime?
It’s probably the greatest shared cultural sports moment in American history.
Good points, but I still think it’s Idi Amin
I got sick and had to stop watching when they began to fellate Dubya “for keeping America safe” Um, wasn’t he President when it happened???