
cheers for the exceptionally civil and detailed response.... wasnt expecting that... much apreciated

“Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you want an Oscar?”

First time I saw the trailer I thought is was a Scary Movie Spoof of Hell Boy. Was not helped by the the choice of music (Mony Mony... really?) or the trifecta of pratfalls by the titular character.

Which is what confuses me. What happened to the darker more serious tone they claimed they were going for? If they were just going to have Hellboy cracking corny jokes throughout why not just have Perlman reprise the role? Also, the makeup looks... off.  Could just be because it’s a slight variance on the original

Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong!

This is the chance the Spin Doctors have been waiting for!

I hope he does a Luis-style recap, as well...

The bit about lojacks in Ant Man 2. I’m sure Luis can find the Ant Man Van and then figure out how to bring Scott back.

There's a reason we love Deadspin, right? Sports journalism with no access. 

My guess Rocket Racoon saves Tony. Flips one switch and shows him how easy it was to make oxygen and power the ship.

This should fall into a Matt Ryan/Constantine situation, where someone finds a way to keep Charlie Cox as Daredevil alive. I don’t see how anyone else could take over the role without alienating fans.

I thought Season 3 was great. Very compelling stories with real character growth, that didn’t just rehash previous seasons or go nowhere. I really enjoyed this show, and I’m sad to see it go.

Ironically I feel MORE inclined to use anti animal language after reading PETA’s post.

Autism, even? Yay, I got Animal Wackadoodle BINGO!!

So if I keep using these “animalist” phrases...

Ugh, with Madonna it's like "why bother" at this point. 

“You know sometimes you eat chicken and you get food poisoning, and then even the site of chicken makes you sick. Tammy One is my blonde chicken.”

I subscribe to the Ron Swanson school of thought that all women named Tammy are evil.