
You forgot to mention that his family was already quite wealthy due to GOVERNMENT highway contracts. And the only job he ever had outside of GOVERNMENT is Mickey D’s. This sick fuck is the biggest bunch of suck to ever suck.

Devotees to Ayn Rand seem to be upper middle class types that never had to live in the real

Gee, policies that work to keep all that money in a few people’s pockets are causing headaches and job losses? Whocouldhaveknown?

Ya see Republicans wanted to go back to the 50's, but only for the racism. Not the tax policies that encouraged companies to invest in workers, not investors. GM used to brag about having

Erick, Son of Erick, is a fucking moron!! The right has become the biggest danger to America in modern times. 

(h/t Charlie Pierce)

This show got so fucking boring that they could have Tom Hanks on it and I could give 2 shits. Once it moved on from the prison, my wife and I moved on. Neegan was alright, but by then we were too bored to care.


Religion has been replaced by something more believable than Jesus, God, etc. It is called SCIENCE and it is fucking amazing!! You are welcome to believe whatever the fuck you want, but I believe in peer-reviewed facts, baby!!

Mime is money!

Dave Grohl needs to be involved!!! Please and Thank You!!

Not to be that guy, but I started seeing an increase in these kinds of shenanigans after Bam Margera and his band of merry idiots became popular. Pulling shitty pranks that endanger the public is not funny, but they sure popularized it. I hope they catch the idiot that did this FAST!!

These fuckheads cannot even provide coffee for their employees, but still can run their shit-filled mouths about this? No wonder they are going broke. I love me some guns, but fuck the NRA!!!

If you support the NRA, you are a bad person. 

I have a 2009 2.5 SL (wish I had the 3.5) and I love the thing. Smooth, all the options I want without the “protect me from myself” features I fucking hate. CVT took a bit to get used to. Overall I think it’s a great car. I went from a 2001 Maxima that I loved to pieces and was fast and fun to drive. Couldn’t afford

They will never get the casting of Lex Luthor correct. Has to be better than Jesse Eisenberg. My cats butthole would be better casting than Eisenberg. 

Good to hear! I gave up on it for a while, then picked it back up on Season 4. I seem to have missed quite a bit of Inhuman shite, but that is why I quit watching it. It wasn’t good TV at all. I’m still watching season 5, and it’s cool as hell! Love the space setting!

You’re only held accountable when you’re hourly. CEOs never seem to know shit about the companies they head. I think it is called plausible deniability. Liberty and justice for all my ass. Fuck Zuck!

So much fucking fail. Glad I cancelled my account months ago. If you are going to use a FB product, Instagram is great. 

Is he the 2nd or 3rd dumbest Trump? Can’t decide between him and Eric. Plus he will be indicted soon, along with his shitty dad and (hopefully) sister. Wife #3 will go back to Europe with her kid. I don’t think Barron is actually Cheeto’s kid.

I’m hyped for this movie!! I hope it lives up to the 2 amazing trailers I’ve seen so far.

These people should thank Jeebus every day we have laws against punching people in the fucking face. 

Just remember, Cheeto and his dipshits are basically saying the people who verify your signature when you go to vote are criminals who are helping to commit fraud. Ya know, the grandma down the street verifying your signature is totally in cahoots with MS13.

He kicked fucking ass last night! Not hopping on the bandwagon yet, but DAMN that was fun to watch!!! It was like watching the team a lot of people thought they would be this year.

I thought I was watching a 49ers game. Beathard isn’t much better. He won’t throw the ball high enough and gets a tipped pass at least once a game, and it usually ends in an interception!!!