
Watch his Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee episode. He spends the majority of the episode on his big ass boat. He could probably sell that for a couple of million.

I really liked his comedy, but won’t watch him or support him ever again. I owe my wife and every other woman that.

Yeah, people on the left are so hateful! Healthcare, affordable college, living wages sure are hateful! But someone called Bush a Nazi, so both sides, amirite?

Yeah this is definitely the equivalent of Cheeto calling for violence against Democrats. We totally heard Obama, Clinton and others for someone to shoot up a fucking baseball game. WTF is wrong with you? Are words hard for you to understand?

How many lefties have bombed Federal buildings in the last 25 years? How many

I just love how these assholes talk about their employers. Like they are above us for some reason. VOTE YOU MUTHAFUCKERS!!!!

Brick Tamlan loves lamp!

And these fuckers will win on 11/6. Just watch. Idiocracy is not far away.

Dipshit has a rally in Elko, NV tomorrow. Many tickets still available. No joke. Interest in his ego-stroking rallies is going way down.

I cancelled my NPR membership when they gave a platform to Richard Spencer during the 2016 campaign. We have enough hatred in this country without mainstreaming white supremacy. Hell, this country wouldn’t exist without it. 

I.O.K.I.Y.A.R bitches!

This is FUCKING AWESOME!!!!! Talk about a raw deal! Too bad Lobo is being used by Krypton...

I was picturing rooms full of the weird smoke-yellow boxes from the late 70s/early 80s. Now you ruined my day!

I made the mistake of just inquiring about debt settlement a few months back. I now receive weekly (sometimes daily) text messages from payday loan companies. Glad I didn’t go through with it.

I would love to see the computers they have to keep running in order to communicate with these satellites that were launched the year I was born. The first computer I used on 4th/5th grade was an Apple II-e

Bring it on over, big boy! I forgot to floss this morning.

I understand where you are coming from. A tiny fraction of the country now has (it seems) more power than the populated, non fly-over states. Granted, my state is pretty fucking rural, but we are slowly becoming a blue state.

You explained your understanding of how you think things work. But alas, you are wrong. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

You really don’t understand civics, do you? Or how the world works in general? Majority rule! It’s how democracy works. 

Yes! I was going to write the same thing. You saved my tired fingers from writing more than I want to. Democracy is a bitch! It’s majority rule! He who has the most will win the vote. That is why all these fucking cry babies need to VOTE for a Democrat, no matter if they are pure enough for your sensibilities.

To all the readers on this site that are not straight, white men, I am sorry this has happened. I believe you! And I’m sorry that you will have to remember what happened to you each and every time this bring his name up. VOTE 11/6!!!

The costume at the end! Goosebumps!!!

This is the funniest article I have read all week. Now I’m waiting for you guys to find a K-car with 100 miles on it.

Now find me a ‘74 Pinto wagon with less than 1k on the odometer....