
Mike Love lives in Incline Village, NV and is a complete and total asshole. Just sayin’...

So much for my James Gunn directed Lobo movie :(

IMHO, It Follows is the dumbest fucking movie ever. Well, almost. Get Out! is the dumbest fucking movie ever. Flame on!

When I deleted mine and asked for my information, they had pictures that I took almost 5 years before I had FB. That fucking site is fucked in the ass. I miss keeping up with friends from HS & other things, but I’m so glad I removed myself from FB. I’m happier too!

To me, I always thought Matrix took its cues for the big fight scene in the last movie from DBZ. 

He’s going to be confirmed. Period. We the people do not matter unless we can contribute 6+ figures to a campaign. This really says what kind of country we are. Why wouldn’t we put someone like Kavanaugh on the bench for life? This is a government for rich white males. Voting may change that, but it sure will take a

Bet she’ll fair better than a certain GOTG director...

At risk of being flamed, what is exactly wrong with a CVT for everyday driving? It’s not like any of you muthafuckers are doing track day once a week. I have one on my 09 Altima, and while I found it strange at first, I really like it. Flame on, bitches!!!

I had a 200 Maxima...ten years later they definitely got it right. 222 horsepower, great handling, and a family appearance so you could blow past cops doing 85 MPH.

Saturn fucking Vue! Worst car I’ve ever driven, and I used to own a 74 Pinto wagon. Glad they went the way of the dodo!

Damn I miss this dude on my team. Saw him run the fuck over the Seahawks in 2006 at Candlestick. 

James Gunn for Green Lantern Corps...or Lobo...

It may need a receiver in the real world, but not in comic world lol. I will agree it should have been a better movie, but I found it entertaining nonetheless. But that Martha shit was fucking stupid to the extreme.

I should have said Director’s cut of BvS, not theatrical.

I will say both Batman V Superman and Watchmen Director’s cuts were way better films than what was released in theaters, especially Bats V Supes. The theatrical cut of BvS had tons of details that filled the plot holes. Like when the wheelchair blew up in the Senate hearing. In the theatrical cut, they didn’t explain

My old man bought the sporty one after they came out. He’s still talking about it every Saturday when we have lunch. I’ve never heard him praise a car like his newest Camry. His old one was boring as hell. Can’t wait to drive it! Way faster than my Altima 2.5 SL...

SSX started out great on PS2, but when they added fucking wingsuits on PS3, I was done.

Shadow of the Colossus. Damn what a dumb game. It looked exactly like my cup of tea, but I didn’t even beat the first one before I gave up. 

GOTG is by far my favorite Marvel movie. I think after Avengers 4, I’m done. Like I’ve seen in the thread below, go join up with DC/WB and tell Marvel to kick rocks. He’ll get his Marvel $$ and make a ton more with DC.

All this cuz a fucking rapist dug up old jokes on Twitter. Damn ourcorporate overlords are stoopid!!!

All of these shitheads are ruining their careers over someone who could give 2 shits about anyone but himself. YAY!

And they wonder why organized religion is on the downturn. Liars like Sanders who act like shitheads throughout the week, yet are “absolved of all their sins” by walking into a building on Sunday that