
That’s actually also true for raising children generally. I forget the source, but there is a study that punishing kids for lying leads them to lie more because the punishment doesn’t teach WHY lying is bad. So hey get punished, but they normally lie about things they’d be punished for anyway. So it’s more effective

I don’t necessarily agree. I think that morals can be taught (and are often stronger) outside of religion. But I think organized religion can serve the function of providing valuable community and support. My example shows a bad, rotting community rather than one that provides value to the life of its members. Part of

Small town church communities are... I mean the one I attended was straight up evil. They also had a “formerly gay” congregant who they touted for converting to being straight and having a family. I always felt uncomfortable with it all but my parents were so strict that youth group was one of the only ways for me to

Well I moved to a big city, am at the top of my field, married to a super handsome great guy, having a kid, own a gorgeous timber loft, have the best dog in America, and the rapist dude still lives on the same dirt road he did when we were teenagers.

I am wholly unsurprised that this the church’s attorney made that request. I was sexually assaulted by a member of my church youth group at age 16, and the church somehow found out but framed it as us having sex. I suppose it was a mistaken assumption because I had been dating the guy who did it, but my treatment at

This man loves a 3/4 sleeve! He dresses like he was styled as a contestant for the first season of American Idol.

Every time I see that guy from Pentatonix, I feel so uncomfortable because he is so unbearably cheesy. His whole aesthetic sets my teeth on edge. I think it started when I saw him in a 3/4 sleeve trench coat. Also, I hate their music. Eek.

It’s my understanding that it is a civil case, not a criminal case, so a plea deal wouldn’t be available. He could settle. I am interested to see if he will settle early to avoid the plaintiff being deposed, or if he will (in apparently typical fashion) want to try to discredit her and cause further trauma.  

An alternative to calling CPS is to file a petition for guardianship. Either you, your mom, or another family member / family friend would need to file the petition. You can do it with an attorney or pro bono. There should be a form petition that you can just fill in the blanks at your local courthouse. You would be

I have had a velvet sofa from Z Gallerie for 8 years with a dog and it’s still in great shape. I got it for less than a grand during a sale.

Oh yeah! He feels much better and the surgery was definitely worth it. His doctor is amazing and also suggested that he might have sleep apnea based on how he was sleeping after the surgery during recovery - he got tested and he did. And no one would have diagnosed it because he is a thin young guy.

Thank you. I need to get back into yoga/exercise. Planning to go to the gym tomorrow and am in the bathtub now. That reminds me to put on a face mask.

My sinus infections improved after I graduated. When I used to go home for breaks from college and grad school, I’d get sick after staying in my parents’ house on breaks. Even now, if I do get a sinus infection or bronchitis, it’s always on December 27th, when I have been at my parents’ house for a few days for

Thank you. Your message is very reassuring and I appreciate that you took the time to share it with me.

I had a rough month. I am now 16 weeks pregnant and have been dealing with massive work stress and my husband had a surgery that has a long recovery period. I have to do everything around the house in addition to caring for him and maintaining a high level of responsibility at work. I spent the majority of the last

Share it with your divorce attorney, too. I dont know if you have concerns with his behavior to your child, but you can ask the court to compel him to undergo psychological evaluation to determine if he is safe for your child to be alone with.

Congratulations and good luck!

My husband’s septoplasty was brutal! Your tips are good ones.

Congrats! I know how major that is because I used to have a constant cycle of sinus infections and strep throat as a kid then sinus infections and bronchitis as an adult. I finally somehow stopped getting them without surgery, which was just dumb luck.

My queasiness disappeared for a week, reappeared, and seems to be gone again. I am getting super lightheaded a lot.