
It seems you ignored the whole concept of modern since the Civic Si and WRX you are talking about are not sold. Also those were gimmie nonsportscars as examples. And I clearly wasn’t talking about a base 2 series. The M235 and up are the only ones that can be considered sports cars in my book.

Yeah and what about 90% of the people buying the car who don’t want to, won’t, or can’t change it? That’s not an excuse. You guys would never let somebody like BMW, Audi, Ford, or Chevrolet do this with out ridicule, but for some reason this car gets a pass.

You are talking about legality and safety in the same paragraph as talking about pushing a car to its limits of handling. Pushing a car to and past the limits of its tires is not safe.

I didn’t say sports cars shouldn’t be fun. I just think putting tiny tires on your car to simulate power by taking away grip to make your car fun is gimmicky.

Let’s look at even the low powered cars new and slightly old. SLKs, TTs, 2/1 series, Scion TC, Civic Si are all low powered sporty cars that don’t come on Prius sized tires. To have 215 general spec tires on a sports car is laughable.

Dude you can’t be serious. A modern sports car shouldn’t come with anything at or under 225. That’s the bottom limit for sports coupes. It is laziness because the car doesn’t have enough of an engine to break traction and Toyota needed an easy fix for it to be “fun”. I think the tires are even to small for what it is,

Not in the slightest bit and I wouldn’t have a care in the world if he made sensible changes to gun laws (that’s not even in his job description so it’s odd you brought that up). Nice job trying to stereotype me and missing by a mile though, fucking dick. It’s called being realistic. Idk if you are a Sanders Stan, but

I’d agree on the S8 if the question wasn’t BMW performance car hahaha

If Sanders gets his hands on the keys to the white house we’ll see what the epa really can do. Haha.

F13 M6 hands down.

1. It’s quite comedic.

True. I guess it’ll be up to the law guys to do some persuading either way.

Well I might actually watch this now.

I would say as soon as three dudes with body armor preemptively strike and knock a dude down into a lane on a major is life threatening enough. She could’ve shot them and got away with it. You don’t get in an accident and knock a dude into the middle of the road and expect to have clean hands.

That’s funny the S5 and S4 have been beating the 3 and 4 for years on driving dynamics.

The Joker in a ricer. Lol

Lol I didn’t realize this thing was still relevant. I thought we beat this British horse to death already.

Yes and now that the 6 is one of the best cars in its class (based on journalist comparos) they can try it again. Or at least offer a bigger engine and let the suspension and stuff be handled after market.

Then just do a speed6 and dont make it ricey looking.

The majority of teen to twenty something drivers? More like the majority of all drivers.