
I’ll get interested when I see a production RX. Until then I’ll just watch.

Trump wouldn’t surprise people, but all public officials know not to drive luxury sports cars. Even the rich ones. People just get irked by it. Don’t get mad at me. I would not even care if any of them rolled in a Phantom.

It is just gawker being gawker. If it was Hillary, trump, or Cruz shit would’ve hit the fan from the writers.

So it is not the garbage interior?

That’s exactly what I thought.

Looks cheap as shit for a 30k car. But the fans will make excuses.

Why are you saying dash? Is that how you read things?

Oh. Yeah I’ll be honest and say I didnt even read the article haha.

Don’t read black flag. The ignorance is strong here. I intentionally ignore all things black flag and get my motorsports news from anywhere else, and I recommend everyone else to do the same.

True. I think the MP4-12C is the best looking comparison, but the 570S would probably be most people’s choice.

That is sad. I’ll pour one out for that car.

Should be COTD tomorrow. Can we do comment of the last two days?

They blew up a Russian airplane and killed 200 people.

Concept designs on a concept isn’t really surprising.

I wouldn’t believe Lockheed if they said they could build a pencil sharpener in a coupe years time. Forget a plane.

Agreed. You should be booking it to punch through a wall like that. I am going to guess she is lying or there is some corner cutting in that building.

Unless there is a major building design problem she had to have hit that wall pretty hard to punch straight through it.

What the fuck is wrong with you? I can’t think the BRZ looks better? You GTFOH, jackass. The bumpers makes a huge differences in the look of a car. You have serious issues if people liking the BRZ better makes you that angry.

Lol the dude clicks on a link about an expensive vehicle and then complains it’s not cheap enough. Typical.

Let me put it in easier terms for you.