
In addition to a dedicated anime series, the cast appeared in a rhythm game (2018’s Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight), a Switch-exclusive action RPG (2021’s Persona 5 Strikers), and this year’s strategy RPG, Persona 5 Tactica. Oh, and protagonist Joker also joined the roster of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.”

I yelled outoud when I saw that at the track. I thought we were about to see that thing come crashing down.

Yeah how much money did he start with when get got shat out the womb? That’s not impressive.

Calling what Suletta did a war crime is ridiculous. You have to do insane mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion. She killed someone who was going to murder two people. Her reaction isn’t normal, but that doesn’t reach criminality.

Yeah like the US tax payers havent given Boeing an infinite amount of money over the years. Get real. We have burned more money on Boeing than probably any company in the country.

the decision was motivated by low take-rates on certain features like adaptive cruise control. In a way, this reasoning makes sense to a certain extent: Why build thousands of cars with a feature most customers will never use? Let people pay for what they want.”

I agree. Just either keep the number or put the year in the title or anything else other than reusing a name.

My S60 has this system. It is really good, but I have never had any issues using idrive or the system in the new Mazda 3s.

My cousin has a 4th gen Mazda 3 that I drove for the first time this past weekend. I have a P3 S60 with a completely different style of infortainment system, and found no issues using the system in the Mazda three. I think this article is a little extra.

The board of Tesla needs to figure out a way to get rid of this clown.

Birmingham and the suburbs of Birmingham do not claim this shit hole town. It is backwoods AF.

He intentionally ignored rules to force an outcome that he (and probably liberty media) preferred. That would be an instant removal from any job. Sure the job is hard, but a lot of jobs are. That does not mean you can do whatever you want.

It is not about questionable officiating decisions. It is about an official intentionally throwing out rules to force an outcome that he wanted. Everybody recognizes that wrong calls are made in all sports. There is a very drastic difference between that and what we saw yesterday.

This article is nonsense. This is a non-issue. Her bodyguards overstepped their bounds and now they have to change some rules. It is not the end of the world.

I will never buy a car without heated seats, and I would highly prefer one with a heated wheel too.

Samsung already has cars and is still part owners of the company that makes cars under their name.

There are a lot of people who’s game wont load main story missions. That alone should make the game unfit for sale.

My game is glitched to the point where one of the late game main missions didnt load. I have to start the game over. The game is messed up beyond normal glitchy or poor running games.

I can’t stand it when companies do this to movies or tv shows. It is ridiculous.

I love those keypads. Every manufacturer should have them. It saves me the most when I run to my car for something and then forget my keys. It saves a repeat trip. They are super convenient.