Now he’s really behind the 8-ball.
Now he’s really behind the 8-ball.
“Police officers do not get paid to get stabbed or shot,” Forcillo argued. “They are paid to go home in one piece.”
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My banana dachshund cross ended up with some serious back issues.
This comment deserves more love.
Waxy O’Conner’s sounds like the Tipsy McStagger’s chain on “The Simpsons”
the Foxboro outpost of the Waxy O’Connor’s Irish Pub chain
I destroyed a robot man before and I’ll do it again. You bleed just like the rest of us, robot.
#whocares #silverlivesdontmatter
Well, effit, now I’m sobbing.
I’m going back to the sloth story
... immediately puts one of those insufferable fucking “13.1" stickers on dog house.
Bob Ryan’s not wrong. Neither was Keith Law when he eviscerated Curt Schilling, nor Bomani when he nuked Chris MEMPIS Broussard. ESPN should probably suspend itself for hiring idiots, but whatever makes you money.
exactly right. Like for arguments sake, let’s see what happens if you induce labor at 6 weeks. still think it’s viable now?
This shit right here is why I’m voting for whoever the fuck gets the Democratic nomination. There is too much at stake for this hyperbole that Hillary is just another republican. Tell that to my uterus assholes.
Don’t you just love it that the anti-choice movement chooses random developmental milestones to tug at people’s heartstrings? A heartbeat at 6 weeks means very little (nothing really) in terms of viability or the elusive beginning of life. GTFO with this sappy shit.
Can we talk about the production values of the snowboarding video?
Maybe, but you need to remember that during her run with McCain she was receiving training on speaking and speeches written by the best people money can buy.