He may post a picture of himself eating a piece later today. Wouldn't surprise me at all.
If you're a suicide bomber.
Dollar dollar bill y’all. (not clever at all, but the unresolved melody was killing me)
Paid apprenticeship? Or free labor. English Pizza Hut is still better than the best deep dish, btw.
Buffalo is a flat circle.
When decades worth of thrown batteries start leaking...
You can blame racists and obstructionists for that last bit, not Obama. You don’t want to see the Venn diagram of the two btw
A “civil” right (and the attendant issues of discrimination and persecution) it is not, however.
A “civil” right (and the attendant issues of discrimination and persecution) it is not, however.
Replied to ungrey
Did god invent guns?
Not really, see above.
I think he’s just proposing closing the gun show loophole. The vast majority of not crazy, not criminal people that think they need 25 firearms and thousands of rounds of ammo could still walk into any one of thousands of gunstores and buy them. There is no slippery slope, there are no death camps, and a psychotic…
It’s parsed somewhat to read that way here at the totally unbiased Second Amendment Foundation website: https://www.saf.org/gun-rights-faq… But over at Cornell, there is no mention of 2A by name, just the 13th and 14th: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/Civil_righ…
Owning a gun is a civil right?
Is that an actionable transgression? A fine? A suspension? Neither?
Please, this tired trope is on par with stick to sprots, or slow news day? type comments