
This is not me and doesn’t represent my values, I’ll take some time to really think over my actions.

And here we go again.

Countdown to the following:

1.) “Well, Black people use the word all the time, so we should be able to use it too! Either everyone can use it, or no one can!” —If you actually need linguistic reclamation explained to you, ask, and I’ll be happy to provide a calm, respectful description of how it

Because $2's are awesome and it costs about 5¢ to print a bill. The real question is why we have $1's. It costs about 900 times as much to keep $1's in circulation as it would to replace them with coins.

I’m happy that murdering bastard is finally off the twenty. The man’s nickname is Indian Killer and he was the one that sponsored and signed the Indian Removal Act. Glad it's Tubman replacing him.

its not that autism is more common- its that we opened up the diagnosis a lot and now kids who would have in the past been called “mentally slow” or just anti-social and different are now recognized as autistic. so It seems like there are more incidences when in fact there always was this many people with Autism,

I love a good conspiracy theory, but I just can’t buy into the Big Pharma one for this very reason. It suggests that EVERY SINGLE. scientist ALL OVER THE WORLD is in the pockets of Big Pharma. I just don’t buy that. There are too many of them. And too many of them (dare I say... most of them?) are genuinely trying to

As a scientist this is false, we’re all paid by the taxpayers - and not really all that much at all.

Come on, man, that’s unfair. Anyone who’s read “Watchmen” knows how super-faithful Snyder was when he turned Silk Spectre and Night Owl into Neo and Trinity in their fight scenes..

Arizona, obviously.

Anyone that obsessed with gay and bi sex- 110% guaranteed. I’ll take the under.

With more than 38,000 surrogate deliveries in the United States since 1979, there have only been 32 reported instances of surrogates attempting to keep custody of the child (the majority of those involving traditional surrogacy). In fact, the greatest risk in a surrogate arrangement is not that the surrogate will

I hear he’s heavily funding camel/eye of needle research...

I grew up on the animated series where his healing factor was still pretty mild. I remember in an early arc he was pummeled by Sabertooth and was laid up for a few episodes afterwards.

The Philippines are much more likely than any of these far-out suggestions. Filipinos LOVE the United States and would have much to gain from statehood. Also, the US would gain a state near China, raw materials, a young, English-speaking, hard-working & educated work force and diversity.

I concur. His response has more to do with his personality, and unique sense of humor, than a self-diagnosis.