Yet I’d get a criminal record if I did the same to her.
Yet I’d get a criminal record if I did the same to her.
Actually, Sherri would become a donor in this case, even if it was her genetic material, and be absolved of parental responsibilty in the second child.
This is almost the five parent case, that is spoken of in medical ethics. The case is framed if two people (parents) wanted a child, found unrelated sperm donor, unrelated egg donor, and unrelated surragate (womb donor), then who has what responsibility for the child? This can be complicated further, as what if the…
I briefly watched DBZ when my roommate in college would turn it on. I’d be up to watching it again if they put this animation to it, just because it’s amazing. It’s the most amazing 2d to 3d I’ve ever experienced.
I remember this game... I owned them both. What are their names!!! 2000 (PC) and 2003 (Xbox)? I would google, but it’d... I’m... Google image search says crimson skies. Nostalgia!
I’m doing the same. It may be a BS session, but it’s an entertaining BS session!