No, you don't. There is no marriage equality and it is one of the 15 something European countries that still require sterilisation to change your gender marker. :(
No, you don't. There is no marriage equality and it is one of the 15 something European countries that still require sterilisation to change your gender marker. :(
Complaining about someone else winning an award is gross. Complaining about a dead person winning an award is grosser. Complaining about a dead person winning some ridiculous fake award at a ceremony where half the nominees don't even show up is just pathetic.
I wish all rumors could be addressed by consuming red wine in public.
In an apparent attempt to win the gold medal in the 100-Meter Giving No Fucks at the You Have Got to Be Shitting Me…
Kirsten Dunst smells bad?
She looks shockingly like Kirsten Dunst in this pic. A more freshly showered, better smelling version of Kirsten Dunst. I had to do a double take!
Haha, I love how Lena Dunham has an answer for the question "When did you realize your were straight?" "When I found myself disappointed with my attraction to men." This is brilliant. <3 her.
After attempting to read an excerpt from his book on Salon, I have to concur with your diagnosis.
Um, so, wait, what, who? Who what now? Did when? Why? What!? The beloved and iconic Kate Mulgrew—of Star Trek:…
I'm pretty sure that's what happened, honestly. Never blame malice for something when stupidity is just as good of an explanation.
I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back, I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back... after it died of an easily preventible disease.
I was thinking about this exactly. Clearly they're going after the ethical, liberal-minded crowd to sell graham crackers and that's it. But at the end of the day, more depictions of a variety of different families is a GOOD thing. Visibility is a GOOD thing. It's good to support this even though it's really kind of a…
All he should have said was, "I'm sorry for creeping on a 17 year old. I learned my lesson." Not, social media is hard and I'm a celebrity, waaaah. Stop spinning. Just stop. It's not even a convincing argument.
Dude's a fucking creeper.
i haven't had a graham cracker in over a decade
Ditto. I'm all "...s'mores? For breakfast? OKAY!!"
I don't think there was any event that triggered mine, and it's not very bad. I don't think I would consider myself a trypophobic, but small, close together holes (like effing lotus pods, pretty much everything that comes up if you put "trypophobia" into a Google images search, and those GODDAMN CREEPY ASS FROGS…
I too like it when ads pander to me by assuming that I'm a good person who likes to see other people be happy, regardless of their differences from me personally. It's good business without being ethically bankrupt. I'm on-board with that.
Regarding the genetic memory thing, I think it's a little bit of both. I feel like it's a revulsion from a primeval version of myself, a kind of "Altered States" scenario, if you will. But I also feel like it's related to my own genetic material. I would occasionally be creeped out by this thing as a kid, but it…