

wait. jade jagger's DAUGHTER just had a baby, like, last month. right?

okay, now can you post that clip of maude apatow impersonating each of the three K-holes. actually, allow me: here.

ditto. AHEM.

i agree 100%, and, for the record, i can't stand that dude. a commenter above mentioned disliking him for something she "can't put [her] finger on" - i believe that somewhat nebulous quality is a toxic combination of whiney brat and entitled douchebag.


that "husband baby dichotomy" is very real. of course, who the f knows if that had anything to do with the bell/wood split, but it certainly isn't weird. i hear about it allll the time from couples.

"normal'ing!!!" i knew that, some day, watching 30 Rock episodes over and over instead of doing anything productive between the hours of 9 pm and midnight would pay off. thanks for the validation.

agreed. beautiful from the back, stumpifying from the front.

i love that she motivated Fincher to change the character, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE her on the show; i am obsessed with her character, and waiting until 2015 for new episodes is some kind of torture. but few things trigger a more violent eye roll from me than women who say they are aging naturally but who have Botox. sit

i kind of don't want you to change this because, same difference, but that's KYLIE, not KENDALL, jenner. but whatever.

yeah, imma go out on a limb and say that he/she/they is just fine with surrendering a hotel job for $250,000.

wait — how does Jaden Smith have a wife? and when was he a glassblower? this makes no sense. perhaps that's the point.

ummm, "two thousand and fourteen" is incorrect. it's "two thousand fourteen."

i cosign each and everyone of those POV links.

also, you are SO not bugging me. i can talk about this shit all day long. obviously. ha.

this is a great question. i think the generation to which you are referring has been frighteningly desensitized to all emotions — they need everything to be more intense in order to "feel.". (and of course i am generalizing for the sake of the conversation. there are certainly young ppl with more balanced life

here you go :)

you're welcome. thank you :)
