
"fuck you hotpockets" did me in. i had to take a break. i think i tore something - internally. i'm going back in now that my kid is in bed and i'm not coming out until i've read them all.

yes, that could certainly be the case. i'm sure it is somewhere. i wonder still if the experience is the same, if the cognitive mechanisms are the same — if the fear of social ostracism is a/the defining factor.

oh my gods i'm on only the third one and i am crying. holy fuck, this is the hardest i have laughed in a while. thank you thank you thank you.

i am unreasonably excited to click on this link right now.

actually, let me ask her if i can post the link to her website here.

gah — i couldn't be farther. i'm in san francisco. HOWEVER, one of the therapists i respect the most, one of the only people i trust with my really dark shit, is in NYC. she's a Gestalt therapist — that's the one thing. i mean, Gestalt is great, but like everything else, it doesn't fit everyone. and if Gestalt isn't

because there are SO MANY bad therapists out there. really. i have been through 5 since i started looking for a new one 8 months ago — and don't get me started on some of the clinical supervisors i've had. it's so hard to find a talented therapist, never mind an ethical one, never mind one who isn't a narcissist,

er, different. not difference. but you knew that.

so many possibilities, and if i could formulate this based on what you've written here, i'd be world's wealthiest and most powerful psychotherapist. which would be RAD. alas, i'll tell you what my first reactions are:

ha! hi. if you need more ammo against mom, just let me know. i've got a million of 'em.


what i really want to know now is if the results of this study would be consistent across cultures (and decades, too). i wonder what the brain activity would look like if one studied members of a collectivist culture rather than individualistic societies. to reference your idea, lindy, in these groups there might not

what i really want to know now is if the results of this study would be consistent across cultures (and decades, too). i wonder what the brain activity would look like if one studied members of a collectivist culture rather than individualistic societies. to reference your idea, lindy, in these groups there might not

the way i usually explain it (i'm posting this as a question — as in, correct me if you see it differently) is that we have 4 continua to consider (that are often conflated or confused by the heteronormative community): biological sex (female-intersex-male); gender identity ("chosen" for lack of a better word - male,

yeah, those look like they've recently been upgraded. no me gusta. looks painful, as if her skin is going to pop and litter everyone's shellacked hair with silicone fragments. which would have been kind of awesome, actually.


i think we all have enough data to crown you the champ of this game in absentia, erin.

thinking maybe penicillin showers would be more appropriate for leo.

yup, i agree with all of that.

not judgmentally, just matter of factly leaving this here: