
Can't get into a debate with you about how many more viewers the show may or may not lose, Anthony. It remains to be seen. But thanks for your response.

You can't point to the 6 million who have watched the show this season and ignore the millions (roughly another 5-6 million) who have deserted the show in droves! Even many of the most loyal of viewers this season were challenged by what the show was serving up! I would be surprised if Scandal doesn't lose at least

Actually I truly fear she isn't!!!


You appear to be someone behind the scenes and privvy to what is going on. If that is so, you might want to alert TPTB that it is very foolhearty to dismiss the full popularity of Tony Goldwyn and the character of Fitz. I'm just sayin'

Anyone else found it odd that Grace and Zach didn't greet each other with a hug?

I was worried that Alicia and Peter were going to hook up one last time, too….and that Jason (who seems to have a key to her apartment) would walk in on them!!!!!!

Actually we every much got the back story of Big Jerry's treatment of Fitz back in season 2.Fitz, Olivia and now Fitz have been cursed with horrible soul-less father figures. Still, I can only muster sympathy for Fitz and to a certain extent Olivia. I still don't give a damn about Jake.

Exactly! The show was always supposed to center around Olivia Pope. What happened to change that is still a mystery.

If you are saying Shonda is spreading herself totally too thin: I totally agree!!!

It's called having a writing team.

Given how little we are seeing of Fitz in recent episodes, I wonder if Shonda is trying to wean us off the character before she moves in for the kill. I expect that character to be gone by season finale — or for Shonda to end the season with us not knowing if Fitz is alive or dead, that way she keeps her options

I can only wonder, however, why it has taken near the finish of season five to tell us about a character introduced in season 2. It felt like a desperate attempt to make a widely disliked character sympathetic and palatable.

Much respect for hanging in there this long!!!

Yep. I think that is the plan!

Good luck with that!

Drop the mic!

I have always believed that all the plot they expended in seasons 1 and 2 could have been spread out over at least three or four seasons. It was clear midway through season three that they really didn't know where to take the show.

And so much about ego run amok!

It still amazes me that Shonda apparently can't — or won't — see that the difference in chemistry between Tony and Kerry and Scott and Kerry is truly like night and day. And no amount of Jake throwing Olivia up against walls in an attempt to generate heat where there is none will ever change that.