
Exactly! And should Shonda try to kill off Fitz as she did McDreamy on Grey's Anatomy, she will find out just how loved the character (and Tony Goldwyn) is when most of the few remaining millions she hasn't completely alienated with her indifference and arrogance desert the show in droves.

And perhaps that is why the mess we see ends up on air. :-(

I am hoping that it is BECAUSE Abby is a former victim of domestic violence that she will refuse to be intimidated by Olivia!!! And remember, when Abby's ex reappeared last season for a brief time, she really stood up to him. I am so totally team Abby right now. Never was into her character until now. Olivia needs

There's nothing wrong with Tony Goldwyn's directing skills. He has directed some of the shows best and most memorable episodes.

Yes. The writers throw a few pages of dialogue in the air every week and however they should fall , that's how they end up on our television screens. :-(

It's harsh. But the show is simply a mess. It has been for a very long time.

I fast forward through those Olake scenes. The sex scenes between them make my skin crawl.

I won't debate the pros and cons of the character of Fitz, but I can only scratch my head over the notion that he is a "better man" than Fitz. In what universe is that possible?

I believe you even though Shonda persist in telling us that all of this is just a series of steps in Olivia's "journey."

Thank you!

As much as I have resisted accepting it, i now agree….It's not going to happen.


LOL!! Perfection!

Shonda Rhimes!

Hmmmm….Very interesting article from The Boston Herald published today:

Maybe Edison is not so dumb. Maybe he purposely set things up so that Olivia would reveal his secret, that way he could get from under the thumb of her father.

Her support of Clinton is maybe the only thing about Kerri that I am happy about these days!

#Scandal was relatively quiet on Twitter Thursday night, too. The show is on life support. Being kept barely alive by ABC.