
The day the show actually shows Tom and Cyrus having sex together will be the day the show loses another couple million viewers. Folks still haven't gotten over their Tommy boy killing Fitz's son!!!

One so rarely sees a smoker on television these days unless the show is set before say the 60s or 70s or the smoker is a bad guy. So the fact that Susan is a smoker may carry more significance than we currently know.

I'm going to let you have the floor and the last word because from the tone of your responses I suspect it is not a civil discussion you are after here. :-(



Thanks, John. I just couldn't work up the desire to respond in the way you did so well. ITA with what you said here.

LOL! Too funny! I don't think you and I are watching the same show, but you are, of course, very much entitled to your observations.

"Ghastly" use of the race card? Hmmm.

Honestly? As I have said earlier, I wouldn't be one bit surprised if Fitz ends up re-marrying Mellie and becoming First Husband. I could just so see Shonda doing that if for no other reason than to emasculate his character even more than she has already done. But does Tony Goldwyn even want to continue acting on the

Yes. :-)

And Mellie already told him a boozing Fitz that he was becoming his father in Season 2!!!

We will just have to agree to disagree. I stick by what I said —and trust me, as a one-time huge Shonda fan and as a black woman, it pains me to do so. I want to support Shonda and her endeavors but I am just appalled by what she has done to the show and to the character of Olivia Pope. I am not saying the character

Wait. I'm confused. "Many don't care what he does to Olivia because for a lot of viewers there's not much investment in Jake." What about Olivia????? A lot of people are upset about what has been done to the character of Olivia. Do you really think the Olivia of Seasons 1 and 2 would have allowed for such a thing to

Wouldn't surprise me if he and Mellie remarry. Shonda would be just that perverse!

And it will be the end of Scandal for sure.

Isn't it interesting that there is not a single "hot," sexy couple on Scandal at the moment now that Olitz is officially over, yet the show is nevertheless awash in sex scenes these days? The show's "titanic" showrunner demolishes the one couple that had chemistry and sex appeal to burn and then turns around and

I can't help wondering if she dislikes Tony Goldwyn as much as she loves Scott Foley. She seems to be purposely setting out to destroy both his character and the character of Olivia Pope. Judy Smith must be regretting the day she agreed to allow her name to be attached to the show. For all the stars that sing their

I have fast forwarded through virtually every sex scene involving Olivia and Jake. I find it that distasteful. That Shonda thinks the audience finds those scenes hot or sexy is just beyond my understanding. Yes, they do make you want to take a shower.

Someone recently said that if Shonda Rhimes wanted everyone to hate Fitz she should have never hired the appealingly charming, handsome Tony Goldwyn. I think it is because of his performance that a lot of women are willing to forgive him most anything, weakness and all. In the hands of someone else, Fitz would

Have you ever stopped to consider that we both could be right? Thanks for the feedback.