
I have been saying for the longest: If Scandal's showrunner was white, he or she would be fired right now for how Olivia Pope has been degraded and more black folks would be up in arms about the racist portrayal. But because Shonda is black…..

EXACTLY! If the moderators aren't passing those very angry comments along to ABC execs (and Shonda) they should be fired! People feel used. People are mad. And people have just generally had it with this crazy-ass show! And it's not just about Olitz! It's the nonsensical writing and the arrogant, dismissive

Try signing up again. (Lower your age. Likely the panel won't be so full!!!!)

What happens when you try it? You should arrive at the page where you sign up to become a member of the panel. It's the only way you can gain access to the comments.

There is a growing movement to boycott Scandal-viewing until something is done by Shondaland/ABC to save the show from the cancellation route it surely seems to be on. If the declining ratings the show has been getting — especially after the airing of episode 509 — is any indication, TPTB should take this movement

Right. He evidently didn't learn enough from the Amanda Tanner case.

"Hate watching." Yes, it has come to that for many of us.

WARNING. Don't even start to listen to this if you are easily offended by strong language. Redorkulous uses it! But he is so on target here:

The episode made me truly miss Derek. It really felt, especially under the circumstances, that Meredith was missing a vital part of herself.

"West Wing" and "Alien" are just some of the "influences" that show up on Shonda's "Scandal."

Hooch. :-)

The one thing I find interesting about Liv's pregnancy is that few have considered the possibility that the baby wasn't Fitz's. Liv had been to bed post her kidnapping with Jake, Russell and Fitz. Could it be that because she couldn't be certain who the father was that she aborted the fetus?


You've just about said it all. Last night's show left me numb. Four and a half seasons to come to what? I will always wonder what this show would have been like in the hands of writers like those who created The Good Wife or The West Wing. It is the nonsensical plot-driven rather than character-driven writing that

Agreed. I can't begin to speculate on how this relationship might be salvaged. I am not even certain I care to see it salvaged anymore.

Wow! Bravo! This was a very impressive analysis.I am not certain it makes me any less pissed off than I already am at myself for spending way too many days,months and years of my life thinking about this fictional couple and this fictional show, but it offers much food for thought! Thanks.

Shonda: Keep ignoring viewers… your own peril.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!