Renascent Hope

I think she was commenting specifically on the feeling for her of being disconnected from the news for 8 hours. Not that she thinks Rikers is a vacation spot

She’s one of the few things that kept me sane during the election. Actually one of two things. Her and xanax

You would think that would cut down on enrollment due to so many potential members not understanding the word

Yes, two heads of broccoli counts as two items.

I’m so sorry for your loss. As someone who lost their cat recently I can tell you that the gut wrenching pain you’re feeling now doesn’t last long. You did the right thing for your beloved pet, hold on to that and you’ll get through this

I think it’s because of the ad the ACLU ran right after he was elected. ‘See you in Court’ was the main line. The rest of the ad reminded everyone that the ACLU has filed lawsuits against every President to protect our rights but he probably didn’t read all that and now just thinks of see you in court as a big bad

It’s really not. This is not a small issue that we can bend on. The loss of reproductive rights for women affect almost every area of our lives.

In early pregnancy you can have a medical abortion instead of a surgical one. It doesn’t take a doctor to hand out pills

I didn’t catch that. Things make a lot more sense now

Because Tim Kaine never presented himself as the exemplar of all things progressive

HRC loyalists? Are you new? Gawker and to a lesser extent but still there Jez dragged Hillary all through the primaries. Their staff is crawling with Bernie stans

I don’t live in Nebraska. So yes, I was referring to all women’s bodily autonomy. It’s really pedantic of you to assume otherwise

He was endorsed by the Nebraska Right to Life group. That’s how strong his anti-abortion record is

Yes, you should just not vote for either. Because if you do it sends a message to future Democratic candidates that you can be against basic liberal principles and still be elected. We need candidates that actually support our rights, not just candidates with a D next to their name

Ahh sorry. But to me it’s the truth. You do realize that people have far different perspectives based on their race, gender and basic live experiences yes? I’m seeing identical rhetoric from men on both the far left and the far right. So for me this statement stands.

Well he usually just yelled wrong. You went with the word nonsense. Even though everything in my comment can be backed up with a quick google search

I lay some of the blame for Clinton’s failure at her feet as well. She made a lot of mistakes. She also went up against opposition no other presidential candidate has ever faced before. I agree with you that Sanders did run a bad campaign. I just strongly disagree that he had a better political vision and this stuff

I see you’re a fan of the Donald Trump brand of debating.

Yes, and those of us who understand basic math knew that after a certain point in the primary it becomes statistically impossible for one candidate to win over the one ahead. Bernie kept up this ridiculous contested convention talk long past that point. It created a very toxic convention. Not saying it’s why she lost,

duuuuude. Do I really need to go pull up quotes from Sanders about contesting the convention long past the point where he could no longer win? He was still talking about that after CALIFORNIA