Renascent Hope

Honestly the far left and the far right are not that different from each other these days. It’s disheartening

Then you’re lucky enough to live in a state where you had access to an abortion. That’s not the case in Nebraska. Heath Mello’s already written and supported legislation has made it very difficult for women there to obtain an abortion. I’m not about to support making it more difficult for any woman no matter how easy

Don’t forget the contested convention talk. A lot the delegates went there convinced due to his rhetoric that he was going to contest the results. That’s why so many of them walked out of the vote call

uh yeah he pretty much did all that, what with his contested convention talk and his grumpy stone face at the convention

I’m sorry was this an article about Hillary Clinton?

And the fact that you think reproductive justice is a pebble is why you’re getting these comments. We get it, you don’t think it’s a big deal. A lot of us do. We know that women can NEVER have economic equality without full reproductive rights. So Bernie’s little revolution is meaningless to us with this thrown under

None of those issues are small potatoes (although I doubt many women vote based on a candidates support of female representation in STEM fields, we can fight for that on our own). But for the rest, yeah, we do need to insist that every Democratic candidate we support will fight for these basic liberal values. That’s

My bodily autonomy is not small potatoes

1. She gave her one debate question. Not topics. Also, Hillary asked for it or needed it, she is the most prepared candidate that ever was

List this double dealing the DNC did. Tell me EXACTLY how they rigged this vote. Emails where they said mean things about Bernie don’t count

I tear up when I think of this sometimes. Also ‘ you know what else I prepared for? Being President’

I hate the me who gets to live in that universe

Since before even Arkansas. The letter she got from NASA as a child was like foreshadowing for her entire life.

This is exactly what I was trying to convey to someone on election night. But I was such a sobbing mess I didn’t put it nearly as concisely

A lot of the low turnout for black voters had to do with the successful voter ID  laws the GOP rammed through and purged registration rolls. This is not on them, they came out and did their part

Same! I have male friends who had spent the entire election, especially the primaries, fighting with me over her actually call and message me after to make sure I was ok

It’s scary as fuck how many progressives jumped onto the Tulsi Gabbard ship without knowing anything about her beyond Bernie endorsed her. The fact that he did also shows the pettiness of his character

Agreed. I looooove Hillary. Always have, always will. My eyes teared up when I saw this picture of her and I’ll probably be a little bitter towards whomever eventually becomes the first female president. But yeah, there is no way she should run again in 2020

I know you guys were heavily invested in this ‘everyone hates her’ narrative. But it was just not the case. If that was true she wouldn’t have received 2 million more votes than Bernie. Just because you hated her doesn’t mean everyone did. I hated (hate) Bernie probably to the same extent you do Hillary. But I would

As someone with a cat who used to sneak into my laundry basket to piss I can tell you that none of that works. You need a specialized product and it’s not cheap. Of course this guy could have googled like I did to find the answer