Renascent Hope

Well at least you’ve stopped arguing against something I never said. Your argument is....not compelling but at least it’s finally on topic

I didn’t use a meme. I used Bernie’s own campaign slogan

I don’t understand what you’re not getting. HE HAD NO FIRM POLICY PLANS

Yep. She’s a shitty selfish person for many reasons but wanting to use a surrogate is not one of them

I can’t believe it’s a year later and they’re still trying to make me feel the bern

I can’t wait until the burn book gets leaked

Dude. You need to improve your reading comprehension. Nothing was wrong with his ideas. it’s just that he only had ideas. He had no backup to them, no way to implement all these grand ideas

That’s great! But I never mentioned approval ratings. I was talking about his actual policies which were all empty ideas, no real strategy in place to back them up. You see, what I look for in a politician is substance. I don’t care if they have a cool catch phrase or can fill a stadium. Give me good old well fleshed

60 - 90 % of what? Substance?

I don’t have to provide a source because it’s not my claim. Your claim was that Hillary was literally at the RT gala dinner, literally cuddling with Putin. I asked for a source and you couldn’t provide it

Have you....just been trolling this whole time? That is a pic of Hillary when she was SoS. Speaking to world leaders was her job. From her hairstyle that pic looks to be from 2012. The RT dinner was in 2015. Hillary Clinton never posed for a pic with Putin at the dinner with Jill Stein casually standing next to them

Source on this? You’ve avoided giving sources to any of your ridiculous claims thus far by saying no one asked you directly about any of them so let’s see what you come up with this time

Jill Stein has never been in office, never cast a vote for a bill on any level, never had her positions tested. You have zero idea what they are, anyone can say they support anything, it’s their voting record that counts

LOL. And you wonder why people are attacking and making fun of you

I feel like he might as well of run on a campaign of free unicorns for all, just as feasible as his actual platform

This comment is so good I feel like I need a cigarette after reading it

Hey there. Recovering heroin addict here, 10 years clean. It can be done. It’s hard, harder than anything, but possible. I wish you all the best in your struggle. I’m sure you already know this but it can’t hurt to remind you - your addiction does not make you a bad person despite what that idiot upthread thinks. It

I grew up in a home where my father was abusive to my mother and I lowkey resented her for many years for keeping us in that situation and forcing us to witness it. I finally told her that well into my twenties and she was shocked. Turned out she stayed for us, because she grew up very poor she felt that it was better

I had the same thought. I don’t think I’ve ever looked to see what race the person beside me is on public transit. The only thing I care about is that they’re not manspreading or even worse trying to grab my ass

Looks like whatever scandal coming for him is breaking fast if he’s leaving Washington right now. I don’t buy the back in four week thing