Renascent Hope

Also that he actually voted for the 1994 crime bill yet Bernie supporters were more up in arms about a speech Hillary made as First Lady

I feel like a lot of men refused to even let us celebrate the historical aspect of it. I’m still really bitter about that

No one shoved her down your throat. More people wanted Hillary. That’s how democracy works, sometimes you don’t get the candidate of your choosing

That ‘everyone hates Hillary’ thing drove me nuts. I would answer that I was proof that wasn’t true and would provide reasons why I love her if asked. Every time I got shut down with a claim (always from a white male) that I just wasn’t politically educated enough to understand or that I just liked her because she was

I don’t know why Bernie or busters keep ignoring this simple fact!

All the voter suppression laws the GOP got away with would have harmed Bernie too

I have one that’s trying to pretend they never did that and wants to complain about things are now. Because I’m petty af I went back through months of their facebook posts and brought the receipts

I think Russia wants to break NATO. It’s no coincidence that Trump would bring up in a debate the possibility of the US not honoring NATO agreements. My guess is he’s going to attack Turkey, they’ll invoke Article 5 and Trump will just sit back

What’s going on with her chest there? Is her skin suit sliding off?

Awesome. Super glad you guys are in agreement with what you both believe. Why do you feel though that you get to force those beliefs onto another woman?

He would have become a walking incubator for my fist at that point. Sorry you had to hear such hateful words

So you’re legit arguing on behalf of a fucking kkk imperial wizard? A man who used Michael Brown’s death as a recruitment opportunity. Gurrrrrllllll. Look at your life! Look at your choices!

You are really bad at trolling. Dial it back a notch


I wasn’t aware there are levels of gayness. How does one achieve super gay status? Is there a test? Some sort of award ceremony??

So you’re saying I can’t be president then?

I like mockingbirds who don’t get killed

I’ve been taking pleasure in the pettiest things about him and I don’t even feel bad about it

I’m sure he can get Ivanka to reenact it using puppets

I think we should get Alex Jones on the case