Renascent Hope

He has access to all the information about aliens. How the hell can he be bored?

Uhhhh..are those numbers for a lifetime or for a year? Asking for a friend

I’m going to guess they’ve all blocked his number by now

He fought for what he believed was right for his neighbourhood constituents. He didn’t give a damn about the rest of the city. If anything he actively scorned us

He’s probably doing it online. He’s really good at the cyber

Don’t forget he also waves them around when he makes speeches. It’s his patented workout routine

I’m not shocked that you’re getting so much blowback on this, it’s a hard and very uncomfortable truth to face. A lot of people are unwilling to face it. All I can tell you is that for me your feelings on this are completely valid

By speaking to her perceived racism towards us, especially without considering the context in which she’s making the remarks, you’re speaking for us. We don’t need you to. She’s absolutely right that white women failed her. Even those that didn’t vote for Trump could have done so much more. I could have done more.

I think this will be her true legacy. Not what she did but what she inspired

She’s speaking at a conference celebrating women, not to middle America. Her message is entirely useful and on point

She never said ALL white women are evil so maybe stop assuming her position? She said, correctly, that 53% of white women threw their fellow women under a bus. As a white woman I can look at that and know it doesn’t apply to me but also know the accuracy of the statement and therefore not get offended. You’ve made