
Can you explain your stance? I was always under the impression that she released classified information to the american public highlighting government misdoings. Isn’t that a whistle blowing? If I am incorrect, I am happy to hear otherwise.

This was too funny not to post.

I am deeply cranky about the idiocy around “not a great candidate” since I don’t want a candidate, I want a president, and she would have been stellar.

Like how you’re offended that there are hypothetical people that are offended?

A baby bird in the nest that opens its brightly-colored mouth and makes a peep sound will be fed by its parents. It will continue doing this until it is a fully grown bird. Meanwhile, a baby bird that does not do this will starve to death.

I still don’t get why people comment this on every speed running article.

But the EMALS!

You needed an excuse to watch Cyndi Lauper?


This. A North American minority who plays the game isn’t likely to think that Altus is racist for this inclusion in the game, but its presence in the English translation might signal to them that the localization team was either too lazy to acknowledge it or too stupid to recognize that it has different connotations

You should read the comments on the Kotaku article. There’s a LOT of people defending the dude in there. Even the guy himself posted some comments basically saying “Yea, I still think I’m right.”

What’s a good one is that you think taking a vaguely and broadly defined version of “censorship” and pairing it with a vaguely and broadly defined version of “official” isn’t “impressive mental and word gymnastics” used “to prove their point.”

*Woman gets death threats*

Self-censorship isn’t a thing. It’s called editing. Censorship implies I don’t have jurisdiction over my own creation.

I posted this thought before, but I’ll post it again: Games being widely accepted as art (which they always have been) means that games can now be critiqued in the way all forms of are have always been. Artistic expression has been examined and critiqued from the feminist, sociological, economical, philosophical,

I solved it by lining up metal weapons on the floor, because I somehow missed that the chest was metal and thus missed the “intended” way you’re supposed to solve it.

Scientology is super extremely not for me, but a quip (I forget whose) comes to mind on the difference between whackadoodle cults and mainstream religions: “In a cult, there’s one guy at the top who knows it’s all bullshit. In a religion, that guy is dead.”

Select was only used as an option if you were selecting the 2p option. The actual code was up up down down left right left right B A [Select]? Start.

Same. I feel like at some point, a switch flipped, and the ubiquity of voice chat utterly doomed it.

That is literally the flag of the losing team. GOP keeps telling Democrats to get over the 2016 election loss. These dudes are still butt hurt over the Civil War!