
The bow cost 980 rupees. A single game over and a name change were worth the exchange.

Didn't Wanda Sykes have a late-night talk show on Fox in 2009? Wouldn't that make her the most recent female late-night talk show host on a broadcast network, or am I missing something?

I have a terrible idea. Joe Buck hosts with Artie Lange as his sidekick.

"God Save the Queen" is a pretty good song, but I think most people would agree that "Anarchy in the UK" would have been a better national anthem.

I liked that HBO Go article. It dug up some oddities that most people had forgotten, and I read this column mainly because it brings to light obscure pieces of pop culture.

"I fuck minors."

We need a roundtable on the episode of Star Trek where Kirk kisses Uhura or fucks Zulu or something. It's been awhile since I've seen it.

I ejaculated.

I think I fucked your girlfriend once. Maybe twice. I don't remember. And then I fucked all your friends' girlfriends. Now they hate you.

I must have missed something. Why does everyone hate Dowd so much?

Frank Miller took the wrong lessons from Will Eisner. And Robert Rodriguez. And Rush Limbaugh.

EDIT: Redacted because I'm a jackass.

A lot of the details you reveal about yourself—the money, the frequent oral sex that's all unfulfilling in the end—seems scripted to me. It's a screenwriting trope to have a person possessing a lot of money but still feel unhappy. So when I see a disembodied screenname advancing that narrative, I suspect fabrication.

Yeah, I'm filing this one in the "HispterDBag is a fictional persona" folder. In spite of that, I find this latest revelation more plausible than his enthusiasm for the Stone Temple Pilots.

Ed Schultz continued hosting a show after Olbermann left. He's fatter and more obnoxious.

There will be a sequel called Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, and it will be about interspecies mating.

This guy's still here?

We have another Genevieve?

I think he wants to fuck her, but I'm not sure because the op's subtext is so subtle.

Roger Christian Slater sounds like the name of a guy who calls himself R.C. and once ate Mario Lopez to gain his superpowers.