If you’re a dude you’re more likely to actually abduct your partner than claim they abducted you. If she had abducted him there would have been more time, obvs.
If you’re a dude you’re more likely to actually abduct your partner than claim they abducted you. If she had abducted him there would have been more time, obvs.
I was Tina Belcher and my niece was Louis Belcher but she wouldn’t wear the costume. Hope this doesn’t come out too big. This is my only photo because I worked on Halloween and couldn’t enjoy the festivities.
Omg, you’re right.
I don’t care that you’re a woman of color. I’ve told you before it’s the mindset that’s the issue. You not understanding that is your issue as well.
No, I didn’t. Nice try though.
It’s been suggested that he is a misogynist and a danger to women not based on this one event but a history of problematic behavior. . . Which has been brought up several times.
Your race and gender are irrelevant, as I stated. The mindset is problematic. You’re trying to convey a heightened intellect but you are missing really basic concepts. Congratulations
I didn’t bring up your race or gender. I was talking about the mindset. You’re heavily defending this dude. I find it suspicious because experience has taught me that it matters. Juries make stupid decisions based on subconscious bias all of the time. To think they are immune is naive.
I get the feeling you’re defending him so adamantly because you relate to him.
It’s not likely true, it is true. You didn’t specify that the rapists were sentenced for rape, only that they were sentenced. I stated that rape charges are often reduced, you agreed. My point stands.
It was harsher. You even explain why it was harsher in your own response to me.
Most rape victims don’t get justice. Most rapists aren’t convicted of rape. They tend to be given lesser charges (if any), often misdemeanors. So yeah, Brock Turners punishment was harsher than most. . .because most get away with it.
Is it all? No
Three years is a lot of growth for a teen. This dude knows better, but, boners amiright? This story is fucking disgusting.
You should probably just go fuck yourself, honestly.
I believe he would say “ this is sexist against men.” and probably “it’s way to easy for women to cry misogyny these days.”
I am disappointed. Not only is he intentionally conflating the statements being made to him and being impressively obtuse, but he is the progeny Yoko and John. I expect better. I expect him to be more informed.