
of course they aren’t going to study it.

It is scary even walking where are too many men together.

Holy crap. That was a horrifying thread to read. These laws, everywhere, were written by and for men. Women have to have broken bones, black eyes, and be curled up in a corner tearing their hair out for men to believe they were raped. It is so true, it’s a man’s world.

I was unaware Roy Moore was a commenter here.

They didn’t agree because she didn’t scream or fight. One of the magistrates even voted in favor of the rapists, saying they were innocent of any wrongdoing. It is a disgusting failure of the judicial system. One more proof that to countries and governments women are just objects to be used and disposed at men’s will.

Isnt that a thing to ponder. That you read it and think “huh. At least they get 9 years” (edit: which was my first reaction too)

The translation of Cuéntalo is better rendered (figuratively and literally) as “Tell It.” This is not mere fastidiousness but introduces a wider, deeper resonance (in both Spanish and English).

It’s always this shit. Violence against women spikes during soccer games in Latin America too. Some days I can’t believe we are just expected to co exist with these huge creatures who haven’t developed a prefrontal cortex. We’re basically living with snakes.

It’s not rape if your eyes are closed?

Yeah, but those men got 9 years each. Our rapists get a couple of months in jail, a year of probation, and a bunch of people lamenting how their lives will be ruined by having to pay even that tiny bit for their crimes.

How is forcibly penetrating someone that doesn’t want you to NOT qualify as “violence?” How is a 5 to 1 ratio in the early morning hours not “intimidation?” I would say requirements met.