dear god
dear god
Great social commentary, Eastwood.
My love is the night!
Well, at least ONE president shows up to briefings, then.
You just said a buzzword you think is dumb (a buzzword, mind you, that exists to keep people from experiencing actual panic attacks due to PTSD). How is saying that word commonly accepted as a joke in and of itself?
Oh, thank God, it wasn't just me.
Bojangles' Bo rounds are the ultimate in past food potato sides.
I like the Kurtz thing Harrelson has going on.
Ooh, look! A block!
Merry Christmas from Chiron Beta Prime, where we're working in a mine for our robot overlords! …did I say overlords? I meant protectors!
Ever heard "Mr. Shadow"? THAT'S the AI song that's terrifying.
This definitely looks good, but I gotta say I don't love the overabundance of Iron Man. Yes, yes, I know, shared universe, but… it's possible to share a world and not constantly be interacting. I'm fine with Iron Man showing up, but I don't know if I love him being so (seemingly) vital to the plot.
Have you considered finding a hobby outside of Johnny Depp apologia?
No one says Tatooine until Jedi.
And also discusses the purposeful Vietnam allegory in Star Wars!
I've recently become a huge fan of the McElroys. Monster Factory might be my favorite thing on the internet.
On the list of things I don't look forward to about the next four years, somewhere near the bottom (but still present, mind you) is four more years of Alec Baldwin mugging for the camera and pushing his lower lip out being sold as a "great impression." I am just not a fan.
Aaaaand blocked
With this one weird trick