
She was cast perfectly. If they hadn't stripped the character of all her agency and needlessly changes and complicated her backstory, she would have been incredible.

But SWORD would only be fun with Hank McCoy… and we can't have him in the MCU. Which is really sad.

I'm hoping that this being a "culmination film" means that it will have a sense of actually existing as its own movie instead of more interminable buildup for future films; that's what made The Avengers great, but every film since then, even Age of Ultron and Civil War (to me, at least), has simply felt like buildup.

Sugar Ray is perfect for the kind of music it's trying to be. Actively hating it is just baffling to me.


A grown man wrote the words "wicked sexy" in a script he then sent to other adults for professional approval. How is this reality?!

This rings true.
The ADHD didn't help, though.

"Attacks on straight white men"
Who do you think writes 90% of the articles on this site?

The Archdemon isn't. But Loghain is one of my favorite game characters of all time, and more than makes up for that.
Also, I've heard the villain/ ending thing gets patched up in Trespasser, but I've yet to play that…

Sorry, that was unclear. I didn't mean 'lost the plot' literally; I meant 'lost the plot' as in seemed to forget what the core of the game was: choice and character interaction. There was a bit of that there, but it was buried in hours of drudgery. That said, I do hate one element of the plot: the villain, who,

Jesus, did I ever identify with parts of this comment. Seeing others get torn apart for being what you used to be really escalates the anxiety and cognitive dissonance. It can be hard not to project. Kudos on your awareness of it.

BioWare has been my favorite studio for as long as I've been aware of how game development works, but… They're losing me. Inquistion lost the plot (and aesthetic) of the Dragon Age world. Andromeda got stuck in the same generic open world muck, without any of the redeeming features or polish. And now BW is apparently

I also loved KOTOR II!

This guy's videos are fantastic. Some of my favorites.

AV Club has always been helpful when I desperately need to be distracted from reality.

I've got a bit of a crisis of conscience now. I've been reading Superior Foes, and quite enjoying it. Even got quite a few issues as a birthday gift. But I just found out it's a Spencer book, and he's been a reaaaaal douchetool as of late. Don't wanna just stop reading the book, but also… Nick Spencer.

…they're my favorite chain bagel place…
please forgive me for my bagel sins.

NPR is just the most White Liberal thing on the planet, I swear.

A hint of buffalo sauce can work wonders.

Yes, exactly that.