
To quote Matt Braunger, "I'm sorry… is this We Bought a Zoo?"

How can you spend so long "inhabiting" a character and still come away thinking the Joker would refuse an interview, as opposed to spending three hours gleefully monologuing into the phone?

What part of this was intended to be parody, even?

I completely agree! Speaking as someone who supported Sanders in the primaries, anyone still insisting on trying to make him the president is being downright petulant and actively harming whatever actually remains of the democratic process.

Personally, I just hate that that entire point seemed to be dropped and forgotten halfway through the film.

But… there's no such thing as 'enough progress'. There's no point where we should start patting a president or candidate on the back for having 'done their share', because the amount of progress we STILL need to make is incredibly high. Also? Every candidate deserves criticism for their mistakes. That's what shifts

Show them how serious we are!

As the one guy who ACTUALLY wants to take all the guns away, I sympathize.

Yay for rum! Is it bad that I want to turn this thread into a discussion of the merits of The Kraken?

Sounds similar to what TV Tropes calls "Seinfeld is Unfunny"- the originals seem almost trite next to the imitators, despite having paved the way for them in the first place.

Right?!! How is no one talking about Dark Troopers?

Jesus Christ. This reads like it was written by a horny James Lipton.

The SimCity I grew up playing was SimCity 3000, and a lot of its strong points were the same ones you're describing here! It carried that humor over pretty well. Also, if you're reading this and you haven't heard the soundtrack, give it a look; it's REALLY good. Here's an example:…

Congrats on being such a rad dude, guy who comments on this website for pop culture nerds who make obscure Simpsons references!

This song is a cautionary tale, though… saying it's in some way making deadbeat dads feel 'cool' or justified is like saying Twilight Zone's 'All the Time in the World' is a story that encourages loners to wish for the fiery atomic death of their fellow humans. That's literally the opposite of the point.

Wow. You're actually doubling down on the Nazis thing. Yeah, I think I'm done here. You have fun being an angry person.

This site has moderators to ensure harmful things like open bigotry don't tarnish peoples' enjoyment of a site that is, once again, privately owned. If moderators decide you don't belong in these comments… you don't. You're not 'owed' a voice in the AV Club comments section by the US Constitution.

Wow! I didn't even know The AV Club was a part of the US government! Oh well… I guess I learn new things every day!

As a huge Bojack Horseman fan, this guy working on pretty much anything is good news for me, so… yay!

That's, uh… that's not what Fascist means. If I try to place myself on a do not call list for some telemarketer, I'm not somehow Hitler for not listening to what they have to say. You say bigoted and damaging things; no one has to listen to you. …why do none of these "free speech advocates" know what free speech means?