
in my opinion, all of the updates are worthless if they haven't improved usability. i always fall back to VMware ... VMware is *FREE* and less buggy (in my experience) and far more user-friendly. they even have a free version of VMware ESX now, to run on barebones hardware ... super sweet.

very neat! both this and the OSX themes for Gnome are very cool.

+1 for Daemon Tools - used it constantly, in the Windows world

This is great! I need to try out some of these ... my girlfriend and I are trying to exercise on a daily basis.

this is sweet for traveling when my laptop really, really needs a connection. as @grahamsz said, though, definitely not for replacing broadband or anything crazy like that.

This topic doesn't make much sense ... it's too broad, in my opinion.

I don't think there's anything wrong with owning a home, but I love the freedom that comes with renting. I've been renting my current home for over 3 years.

Ubuntu w/ taskbar on the top (always visible) & dock (set to autohide) on the bottom

I *love* Firefox and I do *not* consider myself a bit Google fan.

I'm with @skadus ... my fave Chrome feature is 1 Process per Tab. I can't wait to get Chrome and start playing with it ... come on! Where are our Linux/OSX versions? :(

So long as I can get it to work with my provider (Cingular / AT&T) and the hardware supports 3G, I'll be getting this phone.

As for "Become a human lie detector" ... how many other readers are thinking this:

The "pace and lead" tip is good ... I suck at it.

this. is. SO. *AWESOME!*

ssh-agent is <3

I use Ubuntu because I like how it looks *better* and I think it's more usable than OSX.


For everyone saying that street running is so much better than running on a treadmill ... there are a few things to consider:

I'm waiting for Android :)

Did the site get "Lifehack'd" ??? :(