
@ckcallen: I can't say I agree. I have a Fascinate and I often find myself that pages loaded faster. Yes, at home I'm on WiFi, but like many people, I don't have WiFi at work.

This is complete bunk. When VZW gets the iphone next year the only logical expectation is that it will be a device that will support LTE AND CDMA. For Apple to come out with a CDMA-only version, when it will have to compete with CDMA/LTE Android devices is silly and they won't do it.

@meatbag_pussrocket: Perhaps, but I dunno. Android has gained so much ground that I think it would put Apple at too much of a competitive disadvantage. As much as I've wanted an iphone for years, I just recently got a Samsung Fascinate and I really like it. And if I'm given the choice between an LTE Droid and a 3g

@Channan:Of course it will have CDMA - the question is, will it have LTE as well, no ?

@rev02: I'd rather have the better VZW signal then watch a bunch of movies, but that's all a matter of one's lifestyle, job, and geography I guess. (My job is one where I can listen to my iPod, but I couldn't watch video, and I live in an area where ATT's signal blows)

@ZenInsight: Those Sprint numbers seems uncharacteristically slow. Odd.

Do any of these cities also have WiMax ? I'd love to see a comparison between WiMax, HSPA+, and 3G from the major carriers.

I've wanted an iphone forever, but ATT's signal near me is really poor so I wouldn't get one. I finally stepped up to a smartphone with the Samsung Fascinate and I love it. BUT, the biggest shortcoming I see with Android so far is the marketplace - it's a mess. It's like the wild, wild west.

Couldn't Apple win the love of some of the media companies if they allowed commercials in the shows ? Beyond regular t.v., if they got the technology right, the commercials could actually be tailored to the demographics of the viewer(s), if you chose to provide that to your Apple TV box, for example. I mean, I'd

@Snow leopard: You make some good points, but I think you ignored one point.

@Improbable: That's what I get for just skimming the article ! ;-

Without wanting to start a right-v-left about personal responsibility, because this situation is a bit different...

Someone needs to make a good wireless model. I don't need 1080p, or 720p for that matter - I just need something small that I can use to occasionally log from my Droid or iPhone and see what's up with my infant and the nanny. I've looked around a bit on the www and haven't found any good solutions.

@Curves: (chuckling...)

@rathat: I like my iPad a lot, but I completely agree with you - I think this could be a better tablet OS then IOS.

@SAThorn: Exactly. Apple haters will bash-on, but I would expect Microsoft to do the same thing - it's only common sense.

@John Crane: You are sort of contradicting yourself, no ? What if it is a year and a half old but it fully meets your needs ?? ;-

As much as people knock the iPhone at least there aren't these ridiculous variations in software. Yes, I understand that it is probably the OEM's fault because their custom UI's take a long time to be adapted to the more (most?) recent version of Android, but how annoying !