
I am really, really anxious to see the first speed test between VZW's first LTE Android phone and TMO's. Overall network coverage will be vastly better at VZW, but I bet TMO's speeds will top them in the few markets they blanket (with HSPA +)

Am I the only one that thinks this is gonna be a HUGE flop ? As an iPhone fan, but not owner, who is going to get the VZW Galaxy variant very soon, I have to point out that the Android music experience is one of the biggest weak points that I will miss not having an iPhone. Yah, you can run Android apps and stuff

No, it's not too late. Apple definitely let Android become a genuine contender by staying only with ATT, but there are still a TON of people who won't leave VZW and are just waiting for the iPhone. The -REAL- tell will be how many people surrender their Droids to their wives / girlfriends / ebay and get an iphone

@clearzero: Agreed (Captivate v. iphone)

Why are people so incapable of giving a good product demo / comparison. i.e. - Click on the same things at the same exact time. Retards, like a lot of demos. The recent ones for those HTC devices (here on GIZ) were the only decent ones I've seen in a while !

Finally, one of these 'preview' videos that doesn't look like it was shot by someone with Alzheimer's using a candle as lighting. Music aside, there is mostly no reason they all shouldn't look this good.

@Thare187: I agree that I don't think this really belongs on Giz. Now go back to watching Fox News won't you. :-)

@Bs Baldwin: To that argument, shouldn't Windows Mobile phone been a big success and had lots of apps ?

I'm a happy iPad owner, but I'll be the first to admit that this UI looks really, really cool. Now if they can get the 'apps' availability figured out and you can have a device that can rival or beat the iPad in sales. (Especially considering that these will most likely be considerably cheaper then iPads)

I actually feel sorry for the machine. And like some other comments said - does it really require much in the way of brain power to hold a camera still ??

Reminds me of the great old Amiga games - 'Fairytale' in specific. And does anyone remember 'Pawn'. The Atari ST version had the most incredible MIDI soundtrack !

@david86: 'completely agree. It's retarded that Google doesn't offer a desktop-based marketplace, ala the iTunes store. I imagine that maybe they are working on it, but imo it's a major shortcoming in the Android vs. IOS debate.

@JakeMG: Consequences Will Never Be The Same!!!: Completely agree. I imagine they will address this in a future update, but the fact that they would even start with this gives me a 'What the hell were they thinking' vibe. Otherwise though, looks pretty slick.

@LukeDukem: These almost look real ! (They're not, right ?)

@Lazzzara: Ummm... Have you been in a Target store lately ? These are very much available here in the U.S. too. If I wasn't anti antibacterial soap, for the superbugs it helps create, I'd probably get one !

ATT should have one this a long time ago. Yes, it costs them money to give the units away, but it will create happier customers who are less likely to churn, and believe me, with Verizon's iphone (theoretically) around the corner, they are very concerned about churn right now !