This is exactly why I want a tablet so I can do both. I hate paper, so I love typing, but I also hate the restrictions that come with only typing.
This is exactly why I want a tablet so I can do both. I hate paper, so I love typing, but I also hate the restrictions that come with only typing.
I was completely sold on buying one of these, but if they do this - no thanks.
Since we're talking about #gtd.... I've tried a lot of different applications: gTasks, Evernote, RTM, etc, etc.. (never Twitter) But the one that I've found works the best for me - fastest, most accessible from the internet or smartphone, most readable, most stable - is Springpad.
@mike_311: Zing. :'(
@Daveed: How'd your state rank?
@deathbecomesme: <3 Amen.
You know what's great about Texas? No state income tax! :D
I love Fridays - especially when they happen on Thursday!
@joelfinkle: 6'7" to those of you who don't know that 1' = 12".
I'll be honest, I've never done anything productive on a laptop while on an airplane, but does having your screen be easily viewable really matter?
OUCH! My eyes hurt so much now.
Oh Dallas, I have a love/hate relationship with you, and by that I mean I hate you.
@Vesta: I agree. I love stackoverflow. I'd argue that its the best online resource for tech questions.
@tacotime: I wish... I wish...
@Pill_Hell_Tom: Correct, thanks.
@Not a fan boy: The problem is that it is laggy and not pressure sensitive. Sure you can do it, but it performs better on a 5 year old XP Tablet PC.
If they would add pen input that was pressures sensitive and not laggy I'd buy one in an instant. Until then, this product is useless.
I dearly miss Descent.
I think a lot of people are missing the point.
@lh46: Someone mentioned Ver 9.