
The important questions is: Why can't I find LEGO Star Wars game on the webstore?

My hands broke out in a sweat just watching that.

It's basically witchcraft.

This should be under LH's "Evil Week".

@nka: I would suggest bringing your own netbook to school.

Why have the links at the top of the page on Giz changed to Jalopnik and io9?!

@moonshadowkati: I sense someone hasn't actually ever used Win7.

I've used it a few times. It was most useful when my fiancée was in Europe for 2 weeks, but other than that not really.

Really? A laugh track in the background? /facepalm

@jupiterfish: I hate Apple and am upset that I can't own a Canadian. Where do I fall?

@envador: Whichever way I happen to put it on. No preference.

@R94N: Play some SC2 and rage at getting cheesed. I hate plat level cheesers... RAWR!

Small rant.

@mjschmidt: What is oozing out of our ground?!

@helixed: I'll be glad to check it out.