
Anyone have Clear (Clearwire) internet?

@adumbguy: Skype 5.0 beta does 10. I think the current version does 5.

@RCDuke: Going to Denver with my fiancee to see a friend. We're from Dallas so it'll be a nice change in climate.

@chiposaur: ZING! Ouch, that hurts. Cowboys are letting me down..

@dboudwin: Exactly. Come on Lifehacker, this isn't Deadspin or Gawker.

Dah! The one feature that my iPhone has that Android didn't... When is my contract up again?

101. Friends (nobody likes us because we are boring people who don't even have a dining table.)

Speaking of QR codes. What app do you guys use on the iPhone?

@bullwinkle12: I think that it's awesome that you want to help your dad! If the main thing contributing to his stress and unhappiness is his job and lack of family time then I think you really can help him.

Anyone else enjoying SC2? I suck, but it's still fun.

@RCDuke: That's why I go to lunch at 1. That way my afternoon is only 3 hours!

@tenio: OR! What I thought about doing for a while was get my MBA after my CS degree.. I've since decided not to because I really don't like school, but that's me.

@tenio: I'd say not really. If you were to get another major or minor with your CS degree I'd say math. CS is an engineering degree so you are already taking a lot of math so it wouldn't be too much more school. An econ degree would be many many more classes.

Is anyone else's day/week dragging? I looked at the clock a few minutes ago and saw it was only 12 CST.. Not even lunch time (1:00) yet!

@Unholy_Hero: I'm sure she never has. They're "best friends".

@muchdrama: Or get a wife and have her vacuum....

@Thespamhere: Correction - F4 only works in IE.. Use F6 to get to the address bar when using FF or Chrome.