
@Rirath: Thanks, I'll check'em out.

I use RedLaser to scan barcodes on my iPhone, but it won't do QR.

Anyone know of a small rollerball pen?

Am I the only one who thinks Flowdock seems remarkably similar to Google Wave?

The last line of this article should be "Get excited!"

Speaking of cheap HDMI cables..

This is probably the reason why TW just sent us a letter saying they are raising our billing by $4/month.

I've had my gmail account for a few years now.. Only account I use.

This sounds like an excellent idea! I've been going to the corner gas station before work to get my mocha in the morning lately. It's only $1.15 but I'm sure this would be significantly cheaper.

I'd email this to my boss, but I should be working.

Don't forget to take a picture of the camera!

VOTE: Hamachi

"" is all you need.

@TyphoidKitten: You receive the best reply award. Congratulations.

My co-worker sits on an exercise ball all day. I wonder if that is better than sitting in a chair. Thoughts?

America's best french fries are definitely from Wing Stop. Hands down. No contest.

Going to see Craig Ferguson tonight at the Winstar casino in OK.

So we just had a 4 hour meeting at work... Brain is fried. Wat do?