I pop a Singular pill every morning. Works like a charm.
I pop a Singular pill every morning. Works like a charm.
A healthy snack?? Screw that. My company bought us pizza for lunch!
"Instead, consider spending it on something that adds to your overall quality of life"
@se7a7n7: Too bad you are the only one who actually uses Yahoo.
It seems like fb gives me another reason to delete my account every day.
@Zombie Ms. Skittles: 13: (maybe?) It would also make passing out under/on your desk socially acceptable.
@lukestigdon: Nope, haven't seen it yet.
@skittlzncombos: I'd also like to know about a wine resource.
But LH I thought you loved your commenting community! If you really loved us you would have never even thought about posting this.
Distraction free? YOU LIE!
This is probably the best tip I've seen on here in a while!
Want to be fired? It is easy. Don't do your work.
@Bonsai_halcyon: Wow LH fail.. I became a 'fan' when they only had 1 page (the one with lots of fans) and I was disappointed when I saw they didn't update it ever. Now, instead of updating their existing page, they create a new one? Fail.
@kettlewhistle: What I'm going to do soon is buy a down comforter with a duvet cover. There are a lot of duvet covers that I've looked at that aren't fruity looking.
I love Firebug! A co-worker introduced me to it, and now I use it constantly.
@radink: Nah, it's fine. Macs have a new feature that reduces the heat they produce by 200%. It's to save the environment.
@infmom: Aahh! Sorry about that.
@infmom: Uh.. no. I don't have any scanning crap on my computer because I am smart about browsing on the web.
@NorwoodIsMyHero: Well my week has been excellent!
@AmphetamineCrown: You're right, they don't change the resolution -480 pixels is still 480 pixels. I probably should have chosen my words differently.