It’s a comfortable car that can be had with a variety of HP flavors. It doesn’t always have to be about “riding on rails” handling. We’re undoubtedly heading towards an electric self driving future, so enjoy these types of cars while you can.
It’s a comfortable car that can be had with a variety of HP flavors. It doesn’t always have to be about “riding on rails” handling. We’re undoubtedly heading towards an electric self driving future, so enjoy these types of cars while you can.
False! Not making babies is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact.
I think I mentioned this before, but I just became the proud owner of a simple truck. It’s a 1994 Ford F-150 with a straight-6. For all intents and purposes, it was a “pepaw” truck. It is simple, with a minimal number of lines. It’s basically boxes. It’s boxy, and that’s good.
I think the problem here is that you can’t actually market this thing to people who don’t know about cars. There’s no wool-pulling. It’s not like the Urus (I finally have an excuse to drive a Lambo!) or some heritage-laden tweedmobile (Careful with the Jag, darling).
Lots of car names became famous to normies for…
Subaru to me is the biggest surprise on that list considering how eco and naturey they portray themselves.
First Gear:
Imagine Hayao Miyazaki directing a movie with X-Wings...
Buy a Tacoma TRD with a stick before it goes extinct.
I will not get over it and you can’t make me.
We’ll I’ll just take my $60K+ elsewhere! Just kidding, I’m poor.
Evitar + Bruja = Evija
If there were ever proof of the axiom that “if it exists, Formula 1 fans will complain about it”, this is it. They’ve literally done exactly what people have asked in simplifying the presentation of the tires, and of course we have to be upset about the behind the scenes nomenclature now.
Legendary, but I never did like the styling.
We toured the Jordan Factory in the Early 90's and I asked Eddie Jordan what was the best part of the Yamaha Engines. “ They are Free”
Am I alone in being completely underwhelmed by this thing?
I’ve ridden this track with some very talented folks, and i’ve been the OP in the S2000 video above...
What’s with all the Corvette bashing here? It’s almost like you people don’t like cars or something. This thing looks great, even with the wacko camo. Looks like a Ferrari, you say? Yeah, well dolphins look like sharks, too...and they both look cool.
Case in point: many enthusiasts, myself included, don’t buy new. We buy old used cars, or we buy the newer cars just off lease, because we know that that’s where you get the better deal ( Jalopnik has done articles dissuading people from buying new). So if we are all clamoring for manual transmissions, but none of us…
This may be my new favorite malapropism.