
Remember sedan sales are slow right now, so with some solid negotiations combined with factory rebates you might be able to get those imports below your threshold.

She’s German, be thankful she isn’t wearing a fanny pack as well.

KMag had a crap weekend. His suspension failure was almost certainly due to damage suffered in his earlier collision. Grosjean just had a bit of bad luck to have an engine grenade when he did. It won’t be the only engine on the grid that blows up in 2017. The car has the pace.

300 SL

It’s because there’s a point in every car owners’ life where they have to decide if they love their car enough to spend the money to keep it going. The amount of money varies, but there’s always a breaking point.

So yeah, pretty much what you said.

I really hate the fake plastic vents. Honda, Y U do dis!?!?!?!?

Oh my goooooooooshhhhhhh, that is pretty.

Can you hear that? It’s the sound of everyone who payed too much for a 911 R crying.

I think you just described the two Broncos upgraded for special forces work in Afghanistan/Syria. I heard they performed beautifully. Two dozen more of those would fit this job perfectly.

My only hope is that Danny Glover says during the protest, “I’m getting too old for this shit.” Then it all comes full circle.

There’s been some really bad teams in F1. Honda, while they’ve been poor, don’t even crack the top ten.

BAR Honda only won 1 race with Button 2006.

me too... also that their engine note is so distinctive is refreshing.

Not surprised that a loud orange thing has a #take on CNN.

Never bigger wheels. Always bigger tires.

Great article. Thank you. I appreciate you reviewing the history of the treaty and its importance then and now.

Now playing

I am a 46 year old Canadian. I have a wife and two kids. I was 13 when 99 Luftballons was a hit. When I was 15, I was terrified that the Persian Gulf Crisis would spill over and create a nuclear conflict. My parents talk about the Cuban Missile Crisis and have more than once, said that they seriously debated bringing

This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.

What do we do though? I’ve been protesting, signing petitions, donating, calling my representatives, trying to get more involved in local politics, etc., but the frustrating thing is that it seems like no one can stop him. It also feels like we have no true leadership. Honestly I wish Obama would come back into the