Yeah, but if he doesn’t fulfill this goal of getting more abortion doctors on board, no one is going to use this service and the point is lost. Also, way to address all of the other things I said.
Yeah, but if he doesn’t fulfill this goal of getting more abortion doctors on board, no one is going to use this service and the point is lost. Also, way to address all of the other things I said.
I mean, just an FYI, but as long as information about sex and access to birth control are freely available, abortion is not a growth sector. Even in the US, where this is not the case, the abortion rate is falling. As for this being a way for Snook to make more money, if tons of doctors join, he’s actually increasing…
I mean, there was clearly a sexual aspect to what Britney Spears was doing and I wouldn’t want her doing that just anywhere. However, people who go to her shows who think that sex isn’t going to make at least a peripheral appearance are naive given her history. If another woman were walking a man on a leash, I would…
Individual cattle’s lives have value, but cattle as a species don’t actually contribute much to the ecosystem and probably do more harm than good (and yes, this problem is manmade, meaning that it requires a different kind of solution). If it were up to me, these cattle would be allowed to live out their lives and…
I don’t think that it is too much to ask for people to try to keep their sexual behavior in private. I’m not a prude in the sense that all sexual activity makes me uncomfortable - I taught comprehensive sex ed that included sections on BDSM and masturbation and everything else - but I do think that it is not…
I don’t know how much you know about kids, but that wouldn’t have worked for me. I would’ve been creeped out because I was a sensitive kid who was still not entirely used to having weird sexual remarks being made in my presence. Not that I am saying that the “think of the children” thing is a good argument - just that…
Is it, though? I admit that I am not a practitioner of power play, but from what I have read, it appears that the point is that someone walking around with on a leash or someone walking someone else on a leash is that they get sexual gratification from it. It’s called a fetish for a reason. And it feels to me that…
This post addresses that article. There was a whole post on Jezebel about the article, and how one-sided it is. No one revealed his name - he chose to reveal himself.
Not fair to ask them to override their appetites? That’s kinda ridiculous. I became a vegetarian after learning about what they do on meat farms. I realized that the cows and sheep were no different from my dogs and cats, and I would never eat dog or cat. I realized that humans are no different from other animals in…
Except the royal family is very expensive. And there was that time Queen Elizabeth tried to get government aid to heat her castle.
There are a lot of people who have employment based on there being rich people. These same people would still have jobs, just working directly for the un-royalty and not through the government.
I am still working through some of my views. I think that all life has inherent value in the sense that all life plays a role in an ecosystem, contributing to the balance that supports everything, including humans. If you lose one piece, sometimes other pieces can compensate, but sometimes entire systems are lost.…
I believe that our sense of morality evolved, but I also believe that there are ways to live that decrease suffering. I’m an atheist (or an I-don’t-care-ist), so I don’t necessarily believe that there is just one right way to do things, sent down by an all-knowing deity that will punish those who don’t follow the…
What is morality, if not a system of societal behaviors that we accept as good or bad? Do humans who think that marrying children lack all moral reasoning, or just some? Do societies with different behaviors lack any moral reasoning, or is their moral reasoning just different from ours? Is there one true set of morals…
It’s funny how people automatically assume other humans have a moral compass without any support for it and yet require lots of evidence when faced with the idea that non-human animals, who are more like us than not, might also have social codes of behavior. It’s incredibly threatening, isn’t it? Like when white men…
Nope, I graduated with a degree in Animal/Food Science and am currently in vet school, so I do a lot of work with meat and dairy farms and their suppliers (mainly corn, but also sorghum and oats). I also do some research on farm life, mainly with scientists who also own their own farms and know what it is like to…
You should look up some plans for vertical farming. I’m not an expert, by any means, but people harvested wheat and other crops for generations without huge trucks, so it’s entirely possible. A lot of plans for vertical farming include methods to make the building net zero - solar panels, wind turbines - and recycle…
Dogs and other domesticated species have morality, certainly, if you mean that they have codes of behavior that are acceptable and unacceptable based on cultural experience. They don’t have philosophers as far as we know, but they, along with many animals, certainly have morality. However, they are forced into our…
The more children they have in a row, the more they are at risk for premature birth, low bone density, behavioral problems, etc. Not necessarily infant or maternal mortality, but health problems. If you would like, I could try and find the original articles so you could look at the thousands of women and babies they…
I think you’ll find that historically, people found breasts to be a lot less shocking. But I think, after having commented before and then reading the comments after, you are a terrible troll. You can’t even keep up the argument after people prove you wrong! Oh, silly man, afraid of breasts and milk spilled on the…