
Do you have experience in the industry? A lot of my training was with people who were totally pro-ag, but eventually you start to see the cracks in their logic and the fact that all the positive research is done by Monsanto and other big industries. For example, Round-up Ready corn is causing a lot of environmental

Fighting back can get you beaten up/hurt worse or killed in some cases, just so you know. Sometimes it is "better" to just let the rapist/sexual harasser to finish up without saying anything. When someone is bigger or stronger than you are, fighting back is not always possible. For example, if someone tries to mug you

No one in my family (10 people) has been bitten by a violent dog. A dog bit me once, but I deserved it and it wasn't that serious.

For the first example, it is possible that you occasionally get the feeling that people are going to call you. However, you only remember the times when that feeling turned out to be right. The same is true for dreams - people have multiple dreams a night, yet you don't remember every single one of them and they don't

I don't quite understand your argument. People can care about multiple things at once - there have been numerous reports on "failing boys in education," even though the numbers don't quite back it up. Women are excelling now more than before, leading to great increases in educational achievement, but not at the

But some people are confused about when yes means yes or that "not no" doesn't mean yes. Being under the influence of drugs means that a yes may not be a yes. Someone who isn't fighting you may not be saying yes. Someone unconscious, so unable to say no, is not saying yes.

Here is a breakdown of the criticism of one of the studies you cited, by the way:

The technical term is confirmation bias - the wikipedia article is pretty good.

That's a rather strange response, given that you made a claim that is easily disproven doing a basic scientific journal search. I believe that some people are more intuitive than others and are able to unconsciously read cues in body language or the environment that allows them to draw conclusions about how to act.

As I said to another commenter, intuition isn't scientifically proven.

...intuition isn't scientifically proven. What is proven is that people love to take notice of the things that confirm their views and forget things that don't. Or you explain away those things by saying it just wasn't right or you were tired or you weren't wearing your lucky socks. It's easy to make people think that

Well, a penis is external. In order to move a vagina, you have to move the entire pelvis, which involves maneuvering the legs and the torso, even if you just want to move an inch to the left. It requires a lot more effort and control. To move a penis an inch, you can really just angle the penis. This wouldn't

Oh, I don't think the man is always guilty of rape. But it's hard to determine at what point the woman is consenting and at what point she isn't without investigation. If two people are sober enough that they are able to stumble around and get each other's clothes off and make out and whatever else, then it could be

The word "driver" isn't completely accurate, which is why I had it in quotes until it took too much time to continue to type it that way. However, the point that driving involves an inanimate object so the analogy is completely inapplicable is silly - crimes can be committed with inanimate objects and with body parts.

Not really. If you didn't understand something, you can ask questions, but your response here was pointless.

I feel like the next step for HBO to shock people would be to film a show in a convent or monastery. No violence! No sex! How novel of you. :)

I'm not saying that everything has to be happy. I'm saying that it is disingenuous to pretend that everything was always sad, gritty, disgusting, and rapey. GRRM pulls terrible events from a bunch of different times in history and from a bunch of different locations, but he doesn't pull happy things with the same

I don't like the way physical violence and torture are depicted, either. I hated the Saw movies and others like them. It scares me that people get off on looking at pictures of crushed skulls and intestines falling out of bellies, even if it is fake. There is a lot of violence in the world and it is horrible, so I'm

But GoT doesn't provide the other sides of the story, i.e. all the happy things that happen. I'm not saying that it has to, but it isn't a historically genuine piece of fiction if it doesn't. There were a lot of shitty things that happened, but there was also a lot of good. Many people lived their lives to the end

Right, which is why I added the caveat of who is the driver of the hookup. If both parties are drunk, who is consenting? Whose bodily autonomy is being violated? There is a lot of grey area, so it's important to consider each case independently.