
Most modern religions aren't monoliths. Some sects/denominations take tules very seriously and others do not. It seems very strange to me that someone would say they were religious and then talk about "rules" as if the two aren't intertwined. For instance, one of the "rules" to be Christian is to accept Jesus Christ

They haven't really been prepared for the world because they don't really interact with it. The kids are incredibly sheltered and probably wouldn't be able to get along in "the real world." The girls aren't allowed to get advanced education because that would interfere with being moms and helpmeets.

It's actually fairly well understood that the more children you have, the less you have to give to each one, energetically, time-wise, monetarily, and nutritionally. In pregnancy, babies take nutrients from their mothers that can't actually be supplemented, even with prenatal vitamins. For example, it doesn't matter

Plus, the whole "men want to be cavemen and bring home food" completely forgets that fact that 1) women were hunters, too, and 2) women who weren't hunters would go out and gather food to bring home. It's always been a partnership.

Girls and boys like to emulate their parents and other adults. It's part of playtime and learning and exploring. No one has a problem with little girls trying on mom's clothes, but a bathing suit is a problem? Personally, I find those suits to be similar to adult suits but still child-like. They cover the necessary

Not according to the law. Or... reality, actually.

If you want to take nude pictures of people for your portfolio, you need to do research on how to do it properly. It's how you run a business - you can't just claim you didn't know how to pay taxes like a business because you didn't do research on it. You need to know the ins and outs of your profession before you

From the earliest recorded times, women have been fighting for what they think is right, including for their respective countries. For example, Deborah Sampson (Revolutionary War) joined the military before women were allowed to fight. Many women disguised themselves as men in order to fight in the Civil War, as well.

I think it is partially racism, and also partially the fact that she talked about a blow job, which is technically promoting the sin of Onan or whatever his name is. Talking about sex is okay if you talk about it subtly, but you definitely can't mention blow jobs. Unless you have an example of a white woman being

Really? Hysterical? Also, are you racist, too?

I'm pretty sure the patriarchy did not prevent rape. In fact, I'm 100% sure it didn't. A lot of sex that went on back then was rape because it was older dudes marrying women too young to consent, unable to control their own lives, or forced to get married by their parents (often all three!). Lords would rape their

The thing is, you can't take this poem as an isolated incidence because he is playing on the historical aspect of overprotective fathers. The poem would make no sense without that context. I don't know what his personal feelings really are - I don't know if it was all satire or whether he is saying that he feels the

Oh, you also forgot to say how a man is shirking responsibility by being a stay-at-home dad or a woman is shirking responsibility by working 40 hours a week to provide for her family. I'll wait.

I don't believe I would ever ask you, a man, for help with someone hitting me. I might ask people, anyone, around me for help with someone hitting me, but probably not, because 1) I am nonviolent and, as an asexual, less likely to get into that kind of situation, and 2) I am pretty tough. As a human being, you'd be an

I agree with you that some people use the, "But they sold their own people," excuse to make white people less responsible for slavery. It doesn't. They were the main perpetrators. And then they couldn't leave well enough alone and had to enslave people in their own countries, a la Leopold's Ghost.

See, but who are you to decide what women and men "should" act like? Who are you to decide who is a man or a woman? What about people who are intersex? How are they supposed to act?

Well, it appears you don't. At the very least, you're incredibly good at pretending to not know anything about white people except that they suck.

I wouldn't say they are using the whole rabbit because it seems like such a waste. If they were using it to make coats or blankets, maybe.

It actually is both, in your case. You hate women who don't act like what you think women should act like. You only like women who conform. Women shouldn't be allowed to act as they choose, but in a way that you dictate. This is hatred of women because you don't want women to be individuals, you want them to be

If you wouldn't apply the term "used up" to men, then it's sexist/misogynist.