
I don't think any contract can say that your duties (implied by the fact that he is TR) include sucking someone's penis, touching someone's penis, seeing someone's penis, etc. unless the contract actually states it. You can't just take out your penis in front of someone and say, "Hey, I'm TR!" It's still harassment

So you think that SeaWorld cares about animal welfare? Blackfish isn't a film about animal rights - no one wants the whales to vote, to be treated like humans, etc. They do, however, want orcas to be treated with the amount of care that any animal deserves. Would you consider someone keeping a dog chained to a tree

I worked for a time at a primate research facility (that is, a facility that did research to primates, not on them - drug research, separating babies from their moms to see what happened, etc.) and I cared for the animals a lot. I did my best to make life better for them, but it didn't make it any less horrible what

That's not actually true. Food calories (actually kilocalories) are generally estimated using a bomb calorimeter - that is, how much heat is given off when you combust a certain food item. That does not give you a good estimate of how your body will absorb those calories. Some foods are much more absorbable than

No, the vampire creation story is quite ridiculous. It says that humans somehow evolved into vampires to subsist totally on blood, and to do that, they gained a chromosome pair. However, they stayed completely like humans in appearance except in the sunlight? Where they sparkle? This goes against everything we have

So you're just into a strict interpretation of law, rather than attempting to understand what a law is supposed to do. It's like pulling someone over for speeding and giving them a ticket even if the accelerator was broken or a passenger was bleeding out or giving birth. It ignores context.

Yes, filming someone being murdered for sexual-ish gratification is illegal, but more because of the fact that you knew about the murder, didn't do anything to stop it, and may have been a willing participant/coconspirator. A movie of people being murdered that you just happened to catch on your iPhone and then post

Why buy a cow if you haven't tried the milk? Bad investment plan, that is.

I watched one episode (okay, two episodes) of Honey Boo Boo and learned only one good phrase: why buy a cow if you haven't tried the milk? Although it still paints the picture of man=customer, sex=milk, cow=woman, but it's a funny turn of phrase that is actually a better metaphor compared to the other one. Seriously,

You totally missed what I was saying in my other post, which was essentially what you said there. It is considered an indicator of violence towards children. It is a watch list that limits your contact with children. I mean, owning pictures of someone's murder is not illegal even though someone was victimized. It does

And yet, still completely missing the point of what my statement was. A sex crime is, generally, something that involves non-consensual sexual contact or sexual harassment of one kind or another. Owning child pornography is a crime that gets you on the sex-offender registry because it is viewed as "where there's

Why is child pornography obscene, more than other types of pornography? Why would it be outlawed more than any other type of pornography? If it has nothing to do with children at all, then it seems strange to me to legislate one person's sexual preferences any more than straight or gay or bondage or anal pornography

But then you are creating a middle man - the government would have to manage the money, oversee which charities get the funding, make sure the charities are functioning as they should and the money is being spent as promised... When the government collects the taxes and distributes the money, there is no middle man.

I'm sorry, when I said "commit crimes," I meant "commit sex crimes." Of course, I believe you understood this. There is no evidence that watching pornography of any kind, including fictionalized rapes of adult women, causes men or women to go out and commit rapes. In some cases, studies have shown that allowing the

No, that's not how physics works. Heavier objects do not fall faster than smaller ones. Heavier objects, in a frictioned environment, may be at a disadvantage because the larger gravitational force creates more friction, which slows people down.

Woah, one more thing - polio was eliminated due to government spending. Government dollars going into research and government dollars subsidizing the vaccines. Your "ignorance" is astounding, Steve.

Just so you know, there are many things that the free market can't do. It isn't perfect, as much as conservatives want it to be. There is no way that charities can pick up the tab that government programs would leave behind. Food stamps cost approximately $80 billion a year (recently), while the charitable giving

Just a thought experiment - what is the problem with there being a market for child pornography? Is it that pedophiles are gross? That pedophiles able to look at child pornography are then more likely to go out and sexually assault children? Or is it that, to produce child pornography, children were victimized?

You missed my point completely. I am saying that the NFL is shitty for paying their employees so badly. The idea that companies get to pay people what they want, or outsource to other countries where they can pay what they want, is immoral. That is the theory I mentioned, not that Raiderettes are the same as sweatshop

So the free market is always right?