
Or you could not take drugs never know what these drugs are going to do to you whether you take them once or fifty times or more, which is why you need to be under the supervision of a doctor. These drugs aren't to "get ahead" - that's a shitty and dangerous thing to do. They're for people who need

While the risk for Down's itself is pretty low, the cumulative risk of all the possible disorders is much higher than 1%. That is, the risk of having Down's Syndrome or autism or schizophrenia or... is not insignificant. As someone with a genetic disorder who was born to a mom who was over 35, it annoys me how

Well, slaves built Amurica and Amurica is great, ergo slavery is great. Right?

She would - about a size 12, I think.

Right, but those are separate problems from, "Men need to be able to abort babeez too." I just said three times that I wish women would keep men involved more. There are indeed cases when I think certain men should not be told of a pregnancy, but those cases are somewhat few, and that it is also not always possible to

If the father is named on the birth certificate, then the mother can't just give the baby up. The father would need to consent. If he did not, he would get custody of the kid and the mother would pay child support. I do not like the idea that women don't always notify fathers that they are pregnant, though I

THe source is every biology and animal science class I've ever taken, plus multiple research articles I have read. Men put a very small amount of energy into making sperm, whereas women have an enormous investment to make eggs, support them until ovulation, create a proper uterine environment, and ovulation in

Women make the larger investment in babies before conception until birth. They risk their lives, while men balk at supporting the child that they helped to create. While it isn't fair, it is how biology works at the moment. Personally, I don't like how women will give babies up for adoption or drop them off in various

But those legal and social decisions are based in biology. Once biology changes, those laws can be modified.

Men can - it's called signing away all parental rights.

Every time you have sex you face the possibility of getting pregnant/having your partner get pregnant. It's part of life. You can be using eight kinds of birth control (IUD, BC pills, spermicide, condom, vasectomy) and still get pregnant/have your partner get pregnant. It sucks for people who are highly sexual and

Like I told JAC, I understand the pro-life arguments. I have done a lot of research into the scientific, religious, and philosophic arguments for and against abortion. In the end, I have come to the conclusion that a woman needs to be able to decide what is and is not in her uterus. Legally, woman should not have to

Do you hold the same concerns over non-human animals? They suffer greatly at the hands of humans. Do you eat meat, have goose/duck-down items, or wear fur? You support that kind of cruelty. And those animals are actually conscious.

I understand what the other side is saying, but in the end, I feel that they are totally fine with throwing aside the needs and interests of the separate human being (the mom) in favor of the needs of something that is, scientifically, a dependent bundle of cells with human DNA. In the end, the woman has less rights

Once men have to carry a child and support a child bodily for nine months they can financially absolve themselves. My main reason for supporting abortion rights is not about a woman being able to fix a mistake or kill babies or fix any kind of financial concerns (although that last is a part of it), but instead about

That would hurt a lot. I'm sorry.

Actually, most aborted fetuses don't go to the funeral home. Neither do miscarried ones.

I don't think that I would feel any different if my parents were not biological and I know that several of my friends, who were adopted, love their parents unconditionally. I don't know if you are fearing your adopted kids won't love you as much because they were older when you adopted them or if you think kids can

Oh, I shit on them sometimes, too. I mean, more than I do on people who go through all sorts of stuff in order to have kids. At least those people, while being somewhat misguided by the doctors claiming to help, have carefully considered their desire to have kids and what they have to offer, and most likely are going

Well, research is indicating (at least, with animals and what we know of reproductive biology - sperm capacitation and whatnot) that reproductive aids are not the most perfect solution. Sometimes, the reason people are infertile is a reason why they physically or genetically can't offer the best. I mean, we all have